"hello Jack, how is your sister feeling?" I said smoothly watching his eyes switch to shock of my outburst of lies.

"yeah it was a mighty fall and wound but hopefully a couple of stitches can do the job" I had never had much to do with Jack Avery, the enigma of the school that was recently announced lacrosse captain and was amazingly intelligent at English. He held curls upon his head of caramel, hazel and fair that while seemed messy, was striking and added to his overall gorgeous status.

"well I hope she gets better, you'll have to excuse us though. Brooke and I must have a dance" Lovingly they walked off to the dance floor linking arms and began gliding happily across the room.

"thank you" I whispered before heading to the table full of punch and platters with high quality cheeses and the finest berries which were all produced in our little town.

"leaving so soon?" turning slightly to his enchanting voice that lead to his mesmerising eyes.

"yes, the food table was calling my name" he smirks chuckling as I hand him a simple cup of fruity tea.

"since we are here together, tell me a little about yourself" he presumed as we slide into the seats of a table, facing each other in the dim light.

"what would you like to know Avery?"

"oh so you do know my name?" I gently smiled lifting the cup to my lips, letting the fresh liquid down my throat.

"tell me about your life, what's your family like?" I blinked rapidly at the broadness of his question.

"my mother and father, simple people, my mother is a surgeon and my father is a chef."

"a surgeon? she must not be around much." I shook my head agreeing to his words, I basically was raised by my father who taught me from a young age to rise above challenges and to life a little. Even while my mother worked what felt every hour of every day, she was never cruel and smelled heavily of Lavender or the hospitals hand sanitizer.

"did what you say really happen to your sister?"

"no, well... it's complicated" noticing the sorrow in his eyes, I dropped the conversation

"would you like to dance?" he asked as he stood up, my eyes only just noticing his slim figure in the well tailored suit. Delicately I took his hand raising to my feet making our way past Daniel and Brooke to spare room in the mess of couples. His arms circling protectively around my waist as did my arms around his neck. He grinned as he strongly pulled me forward into him closer until our chests were basically touching. Blushing I looked up into the dark that swirled around his pupil and tried to not feel captivated by them and his charisma. Songs played out as we swayed to the beat, sometimes talking about little things like favourite colour; his being red and mine being gold. As the night continued on I could see the large clock located at the middle above the door, hit 10:30pm and I couldn't believe how time had literally flown in front of me. Tenderly I pulled my lips closer to his ear

"you'll have to excuse me, I must go to the bathroom." I whispered before unlacing myself from his warm body, calmly striding out the double blue doors down the quiet corridor. It seemed ghostly in presence as I quickly did my business, making sure to thoroughly wash and dry my hands before briskly walking out of the swing doors.

The hallways were dark unlike before, only a light in the ceiling flashing every couple of seconds as I intentionally walked with speed down the spine-chilling walls and lockers. My breath was quickening as the pace of my heart raised with uncertainty. As if a cold wind blew through the corridors I jumped as a locker slammed shut in the darkness. This wasn't meant to be a thriller or a murder mystery, it was meant to be reality and not cliche. Gulping I waited for the light to flicker back on, my fingers curling within the side of my dress with fear coating my skin. As the lights worked back on, all oxygen left my body as my limbs froze in the silhouetted shape that was merely 20 meters from my shivering body. A laugh left the strangers mouth as he stepped forward into the daring light of the corridor.

"oh (y/n) so innocent. An obstacle one would say." The man looked young but no where near the age of our peer groups or university students. The dark stumble was visible from this distance as was the gel that held back a mop of brown hair in a slicked style. I tried to shelter myself from his stance as he slowly walked forwards towards my frozen frame.

"always wondered what happened to your brother? oh he was basically the save. In. The. Way." he muttered circling me in the flickering light

"he was too intelligent with a strong mind but a large secret, if only he could hold his tongue. too bad he's gone" I shuddered internally at the crisp tone that was intertwined in his deep voice as he continued speaking as goosebumps arose on my arms.

"oh and of course that Victoria, so stunning in feature, so annoying in personality. she would never stand a chance against me." I felt tears brim my eyes as I silently prayed for the dear girl who's end was too sudden and weirdly planned

"might as well introduce myself, Brian Orwell, cunning man of distorted form. I've been watching you (y/n) and your inquisitive mind much like your brothers is too dangerous for a man like me to, have around!" I blinked rapidly, as he stood behind my back his hand against my lower back.

"I'm so sorry we only met once (y/n)" he whispered but before the pressure of an unlawful weapon hit my body I slammed my foot and heal into his lower region dashing with immense speed away from him and the hall, out the doors of the old high school. The night was not cold but as I continued slamming my feet into the ground, I found myself fleeing into the very forest I never dared to visit again after Victoria's murder. The leaves crunches heavily as I continued breathing heavily into the thin air, running over tree roots and around the wooden trunks that reeked of dread.

"haha you think you can run (y/n)! but you can't!" he growled, his voice becoming foreign in disfigurement that made the blood in my veins make momentum till It felt like a rapid waterfall spieling in my veins. When I tilted my head skywards, millions of bright stars clearly dotted on the black canvas of night, yet none of that light seemed to  to make any difference of the looming man as I turned my eyes away. A sudden pain spiralled from my back where Brian had his hand placed before in the corridor. The night was like my own state of mind. Just like those clouds that were brewing over the bright ora of the stare, my insides were in a chaos. A mess as the pain sniggered my body as I dropped to the ground as if a rake had been yanked out of my back. I try to scream as this newly formed monster that seemed canine but a wolf on steroids. His teeth hung low out of his mouth and the man that had chased me to my doom was long gone in the craziness of it. My eyes widened as he raised his claw to only bring it back down slashing my dress and the skin of my stomach, creating an ear piercing scream of hurt rage from my throat. My body was heaving in the extreme pain as his red eyes were like lasers, staring into my eyes as his claw found its way around my neck in a inhumanly way. The beast's howl was blood-curdling as his single claw traced a line beside the artery in my neck, blood was gurgling in my throat as he stared me down like a toy, enjoying the concept of the kill and the thrill he received from it in his sick and foul mind. Fluttering my eyelids I try to keep away, my mind hazy with pain and the idea of survival. A unlike growl erupts from his throat as I finally close my eyes as the world turns to black


realising how long it is going to be = part 2
don't you worry it's definitely coming x

it is going to be called wild boy :)

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