Volume 6 Chapter 2: Uncovered

Start from the beginning

???: Five years, Woods. Five years since you stabbed me in the back.

Jeff then notices the groundskeeper kneeling beside the mysterious boy, still crying blood while quietly chanting:

Groundskeeper: He҉ i̶s th̕e̴ ̸on҉e̸ wit̀h͜o̷ut ͢e͢y̷e̸s. He̕ ̶i͞s̢ the ̛o͢n̴e wi̧t̨hou̶t s͠h͘a̶p͠e͝. He ͝wi̸ll ̶be̸ ͢t̡he̛ ͜on̷e wh͘o ̴l̴i̢es͟. H͢e͠ w̸ill bè t͘he ̵on̡ę wh͘o wi͝ll ra̷p̢e. T̀hroug͏h ̵t͡his̴ s҉ha͏tt̸e͏red w͜or͢l͝d̨.....

Jeff: Was that really necessary?

???: He doesn't want to shut up. So, I did him a favor.

Jeff: By torturing him, eternally?

???: "Torture" is a strong word, and like I said, I did him a favor. By making him talk forever.

Jeff: What do you want?

???: Finally, a question worth answering!

He stated while putting out his cigarette by pressing it onto the corrupted groundskeeper's forehead. The groundskeeper didn't react by this as he continues to stare up at the sky, still chanting.

???: Woods, I know you and I have had our histories, but I would like to put that aside for now. 

Jeff: This is the second time you've resurrected me.

???: Hopefully, it will be the last. I do this now because I know you're willing to help me on this one.

Jeff: (skeptical) What makes you say that?

???: Because I know that this will help you too. I need you, Woods. But before I come to terms, why are you in this world?

Jeff: Curiosity brought me here.

???: Oh... "Curiosity".... So I reckon your "curiosity" also pissed someone off. Someone who is high and mighty. Full of power.

Jeff: What do you want with me?

???: (smiles) I like you, Woods. Not only you betrayed one powerful being, but two. And still managed to get away with it.

Jeff: If this is about you taking over, then forget it! I am not who I was, not anymore!

???: Nothing like that, Woods. If I did want that, I would've done it already. No... What I want you to do is to take care of our little friend.

Jeff: Friend?

???: And no I'm not talking about that tall, lanky, pedophile. I'm talking about your friend's look alike.

Jeff takes a few seconds to think until he finally realizes who he's talking about.

Jeff: Wait! Azazel was your--

???: Ding! Ding! Ding! Very good guess, Woods!

Jeff: So... Azazel wasn't--

???: *chuckles* What'd you think? Salem made him? She is powerful, but not enough to make someone as strong as he is.

Jeff: Why did you create him?

???: I thought he could replace you. Turns out I made a mistake. The kid has more pride and knowledge than me. I guess this is what God felt about Lucifer. Don't you think? But what makes it weirder is that why did he chose to work for Salem?

Jeff: So what, I'm your hired hitman now?

???: Technically. The boy broke my heart, Woods. I made him and he chose to work for someone else.

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