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changbin was soft for felix, i think that was clearer than anything now.

they were on their winter break now, which meant they would be at changbins house. felix was excited for christmas. he was glad to spend it with changbin.

december 19th

changbins house was already decorated for christmas. they had set up the christmas tree, and felix hung up his colourful christmas lights from his bedroom at his house. this had to be felix' job, as changbin couldn't reach.


they went grocery shopping. there wasn't anything in specific that they really needed, they just had nothing better to do.

they came across the food area, and felix spotted a gingerbread house. "binnieee!" he said, excitedly, walking over to it. "can we get one?" he asked. "you're such a dork, felix." the older replied, but allowed felix to get one. "i haven't done one of those in so long, okay? i was excited." felix said, changbin smiling at him.

changbin had managed to buy some canned whip cream without felix noticing. felix was too busy looking at other things. changbin had also managed to get something else without him seeing.


they got back to changbins house. they unpacked the groceries, and then felix wanted to make his gingerbread house.

and he wouldn't stop talking about it

so changbin let him.


the rest of that day was calm, there wasn't really anything more to it. they watched christmas movies for a little bit, but that's about all they did before going to bed.


december 24th


it was christmas eve. changbin was so excited to see felix' reaction to what he got him for christmas. felix was clearly excited as well, as he couldn't stop talking. they sat near the window, looking outside. felix had his earbuds plugged into his phone, and he was playing calm music. changbin grabbed felix' hand, and held it. felix' face turned a light shade of pink, which wasn't anything new. he looked out the window. "binnie!" he said, suddenly, making changbin jump a little. "it's snowing!"

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