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felix instantly felt guilty. he didn't feel the same way as chan did, but he didn't know how to say that without hurting him. he saw chan as a best friend, and that's probably all it was ever going to be.

"felix, lets go." chan said, standing up. "i don't want to..." he said with a quiet voice. "i'm going." he walked to his car. "oh." felix said.

and he left, just like that.

"you ignored me today." felix said to changbin. "sorry..." he looked down. "come sit.." felix said. changbin went and sat beside felix. "why are you here? it's so late." felix asked. "i don't live far, this place is just calming i don't know." felix nodded. "i guess i don't have a way to get home anymore." changbin shook his head. "i don't know what chans problem is." he stood up. "i know we don't know eachother that well... but do you wanna come to my house?" he asked. "it's cold out here." changbin said. "i-i.."

"if you don't, i can just drive you home, it's okay." he sounded disappointed. "no.. i don't w-want to go home." felix stood up as well. "okay." changbin said. "let's go to my house?" felix nodded.


they started walking. their hands brushed against each others a few times. felix was really cold but he didn't want to sound stupid.

changbin purposely hit his hand on felixs, intertwining it with the youngers. "oops." he said. felix felt his face burn. "no, no. you idiot. this is what chan warned you about." he thought. but he didn't want it to stop.


they arrived at changbins house. my apartment is small, i hope you don't mind. felix smiled, and went inside. "are you going to spend the night?" changbin asked, locking the door and setting his keys on the counter. "i-" he looked at changbin. "c-can i?" changbin smiled. "dork. yes you can."

they went into changbins bedroom. "do you want something to change into?..." he asked. felix looked down. "i-if you d-don't mind." changbin smiled.

he grabbed a baby blue hoodie and some black track pants and handed it to felix. "the bathroom is just over there." he pointed across the room. felix nodded and walked to the bathroom.

this had been a long day, but felix knew he wouldn't be able to sleep. did chan really like him?

felix put on changbins clothes and realized how ridiculous he looked in them. well, that's what he thought anyway. felix liked the hoodie, it was very comfortable. he walked out of the bathroom, looking down the entire time. "i look dumb don't i." felix said. he looked up and changbin was blushing which sort of shocked felix. he didn't think much of it, though.

"you don't." he smiled. changbin sat on his bed and told felix to, as well. "uhhh.. do you want to get to know eachother better?" he asked. felix realized how much softer changbin was out of school.

"okay." felix said.

"hmmm.." felix laughed. "what's your favourite colour?" changbin asked felix. "yellow." he said, happily. "what about you?" felix sort of expected the answer he got. "black." he nodded. "when's your birthday?" felix asked. "august 11th."

"ah, mines september 14th." he looked down. "uh.. if you don't mind me asking this, what's your sexuality?" felix sighed. "i-i'm gay, only a few people know.. except for people at my old school. i got outed." changbin frowned. "aw." he paused. "i'm gay too."

felix kept thinking of minho and he didn't know why. "i dated this guy for a few days but he cheated on me in those few days. i shouldn't be upset over that but i am." changbin looked at him. "who?" felix felt like he shouldn't say, but he did. "lee minho." changbin smirked. "hmmmm."


they asked eachother many questions. felix checked his phone which was at 18%. '4:49am'

felix had somehow explained his whole life story on how his mom died, and his dad was a homophobic, abusive alcoholic. he didn't know how it happened but it just slipped out. felix felt a lot more comfortable around changbin now that he knew a lot about him.


felix fell asleep first. changbin smiled as he saw the other boy sleeping. he covered him up with his blanket and hoped he didn't think it was weird that they'd be sleeping in the same bed.


ok this is actually cute i-

i still want a piano but yknow 😭😭😭😭😭🐛

i hope this isn't too bad sighhhh

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