"I hope you remember how it feels like to have your heart in your hand, stupid."

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"So...is everything the way it should be?" Ari asked.

"It seems to be fine," Ari's friend and a fellow bio lab researcher Siri answered.

They were at a top-secret Bioresearch lab under the agency's base. Siri was sitting in front of the opened briefcase filled with test tubes. She took out a pair of blue gloves from her lab coat and put them on. Siri picked up one of the test tubes and put it in a machine towards her right and typed in some numbers.

"Thanks for retrieving these Ari," Siri said with a smile. Her eyes glistening with gratitude.

"Of course! You worked almost half of your life trying to figure out the cure for cancer. And then that foolish third-year lab assistant of yours gets kidnapped along with the most prized possession known to humankind." Siri giggled. "I'm serious! Like why aren't you guys firing him already!" Ari raised her voice.

Just then Jaeyo runs up to the girls head down in shame and starts blabbering all at once. 

"Siri Sunbaenim! I apologies dearly for my mistake. I understand how big of a loss it would have been for the world because of my carelessness. I don't know how to put my guilt and shame into words but I am extremely sorry for what I have done. Thank you so very much Ari Sunbaenim, I am really thankful to you for saving me. And I apologize for-"

"Okay, okay, kid enough, we get it" Ari scowled. "This wasn't the first time and I hope you remember how it feels like to have your heart in your hand stupid." Jaeyo continued to bow up and down showing his gratitude and respect. 

"It's alright now Jaeyo. The solution is still here and you are alive and back in pieces. You may go back to your section." Siri replied with a smile and proceeded to take the test tube out of the machine.

Jaeyo bowed down couple more times and turned around, but tripped on something on his way out the automatic lab door.

Ari rolled her eyes. Some idiot  she murmured 

"Are you okay Ari?" Siri asked with a concerned frown on her face when she noticed Ari tilting her neck and straightening her back. "I heard you got injured"

"Nah I'm fine. I got it checked a while ago, they put some patches on." The agent brushed it off and looked around the chaotic lab. It was brightly lit with research equipment, tests samples, advanced technologies everywhere she set her eyes.

Siri examined the solution under a microscope and wrote something down before taking off her gloves.

"Yup these vaccines are perfectly fine-"


Siri's phone on the counter rang out, a text message displayed on the lock screen. She picked up her phone and stared at the screen with a straight face. Ari noticed that look anywhere and didn't mean anything good happened.

"It's Jimin isn't it?" Ari asked carefully.

"Yea" Siri whispered.

".....He isn't coming back is he?" Ari was scared to ask.

"No..." Siri replied, her voice barely audible.

Jimin has been in the army for three years and has only come back twice since his enlistment. He was thinking about joining the army permanently. But Siri wasn't really encouraging about the idea. Everyone missed him very much, any happy moment was left incomplete without the piece of heart Jimin took with him to North Korea's border.

"It's what he wants to do. And we haven't really confirmed our relationship...I should support him anyway..." Siri sighed and went back to working on another test tube.

"Let's have a drink tonight with the girls okay?" Ari patted her friend's shoulder before heading towards the door.

Siri pointed at a stack of cardboard boxes near a machine. "Hey, before you leave can you do me a favor and take those boxes to room SBW16...wait-don't! you're injured!" 

"Yes, ma'am!" Ari saluted ignoring the last part and picked up the boxes as they were stacked. A small groan escaped her mouth as she readjusted the weight on both arms.

"Au RRRRevoir!" Ari called out walking blindly through the doors.

"Ariiiiiii!YA!" Siri yelled, but her voice became a teeny muffled behind the closed doors.

The boxes were big and heavy, she couldn't see a thing in front of her, but luckily she has been working for the Central Intelligence Agency for long enough to know her way around the base like that back of her hand. 

She turned a corner here, weaved around a group, rode down a crowded elevator and gracefully swept through the halls until...boom fell the boxes. She bumped into something that caused the boxes to tumble down and Ari fell with it.

She got on her knees and began to collect the things that fell out of the boxes.

"I'm so sorry- here I'll pick it up for you" A young man in a black coat and brown chestnut hair bend down and started picking up the things for her. She noticed that he had his CIA badge, but she couldn't decipher the name on his ID. As she slowly picked up one thing at a time she became confused and intrigued by how much the man looked like someone she knew.

"Here you go," He said standing up handing her a box. "It's my fault. I'll carry these to your destination," he said with a bright smile that seemed eerily familiar.

"Oh!" he laughed "I forgot to introduce myself I'm Junghyun." He held out his free hand.

Ari slowly reached out her hand and shook it still staring at his face. Dark doe-like eyes that creased at the corner as he smiled, sharp jaws that brought out a familiar-looking manly side. 

Why does he look so familiar....?

"And you?" he asked cocking his head playfully like a puppy, weird contrast to the stereotype of an agent.

"Huh? Oh I'm Ari"

"Nice to meet you! Shall we go wherever you were going?"

He was holding two of the boxes and was waiting for her to just say the words.

"Yea...sure room SBW16 actually..."

Junghyun did most of the talking on their way to the room. His eye smile, jaws, and the way the corner of his lips tilt up in a smirk all seemed so familiar, but she just can't pinpoint it.

He swiped in with his card into the storage room and dropped down the boxes along with the one Ari was carrying.

"Thanks for the hand Junghyun, I appreciate it."

"Hahaha no problem Ari, we'll be seeing each other often actually-"

Just then his phone rang and he picked it up.

"Yes....hm...I'll be right with you," He looked at Ari, "Sorry, the boss is calling" he held up his phone and pointed to it smiling.

"I'll see ya around k?" he winked as he dashed out the door.

Ari raised an eyebrow. What a flirt  

"huh, Strange..." she said to her self with a smile hinted at the corner of her mouth. 

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