"Need a ride, Agent A?"

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"MAAAAA BIIITTTCCCCHHH HOOWWW YOU BEEEEEN?" Jan ran up to Ari and engulfed her in a huge hug.

"Can't....breathe...." Ari mumbled. Jan squeezed her tighter then let go.

Ari gasped for air as Jan ran to Tia and Siri to suck air out of them too. Once she was successful in halfway killing her besties, Jan sat down at the Korean BBQ booth and perked up her head like a meerkat.

"Where is... Asta?"

"She said she will be here in minutes," Tia said checking her phone.

Siri and Tia sat across from Jan and Ari.

"So...what's the tea?" Siri asked eyeing everyone suspiciously. Everyone looked at one another and squinted their eyes.

Just then Asta walked in fashionably late, with her limited edition designer bag in hand, Stuart Weitzman pumps, and a fitted nude pink Gucci suit. All the customers at the restaurant and the girls turned their heads to watch rays of sunlight beaming from her aura. She walked with the perfect sway to her hips, her flawless, shining dark skin was incomparable. As she took off her Gucci sunglasses, you could see her big chocolate brown eyes being covered by thick curved lashes every time she blinked. Her full lips colored a deep raspberry tint. All watched in awe as everything seemed to be in slow motion. Asta stopped in front of the girls' table.

"So, what do you think?" she asked striking a pose.

The girls just sat there with their jaws hanging open.

"Who...is u?" Ari asked genuinely confused.

Jan slapped Ari's mouth shut, and let out a fake giggle.

"WOW" Atia gawked "just WOW"

"Yea...I have no words" Siri said eyes wide open.

"Omygawd! GUESS WAT! I have been nominated for the most successful CEO of the year!" Asta let the cat out of the bag. 

There was a moment of silence before all the girls yelled out at once. Cheering, screaming, shouting, hugging, crying and yelping...untiiilll they were asked to leave the restaurant.

The five of them stood in a line silently looking up at the restaurant sign as a small drop of rain began falling on their noses.

"This isn't fun," Tia said disappointedly.

"Aww suckers" Siri pouted

"I just wanted a bottle of soju" Jan sighed.

"I wanted to tell you guys how I was gonna be interviewed by Vogue and the New York Times this week" Asta whispered.

"You are literally all over the internet now," Ari said scrolling through her social media.

The rain began to fall harder on the girls. It pitter-pattered on the sidewalk as people around them ran covering their heads with coats or purses. 

It was 8:00 pm. way too early to go home on a Friday night.

"Where should we go now?" Ari asked.

Just as perfect timing gets, a shiny black Mercedes pulled up near the girls.

The window rolled down as Ari peeked in.

A very, annoyingly handsome, arrogant man smirked back.

"Need a ride, Agent A?" 

"Need a ride, Agent A?" 

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