"I told you that I'll be seeing you often from now on"

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Back in the house they had now gathered all the materials in separate piles.

"I'm trying to call Hoseok to come help, but he isn't picking up" Ari complained redialing his number onto the home phone. "It's not even ringing" two seconds later she heard the dial tone ring out. "Oh. Its ringing- Heyhoseokwehaveproblematourhouse, Astaeandjinareresponsible"

"Slow down, hello?" an unfamiliar voice spoke from the other side, but Ari didn't notice.

"I have 40 boxes of cake mix, we need to start making cake ASAP where are you?"

"I think you got the wrong number, but count me in anyway, it sounds like fun! I'm on my way" The voice said.

"WAIT wut?! he-hello? excuse me?HELLO?" Ari shouted into her phone.

Tia gave her a questioning look while unwrapping a banner. Ari shrugged in response.

"I left Hoseok a voice mail before, I'm sure he'll check it." With that Ari headed to the kitchen to boss Jin around.

Twenty minutes later Tia came into the kitchen calling for Ari.

"There's someone at the door for you" she said.

Ari walked towards the door and opened it to find Junghyun smiling back at her.

"Hey!" He said waving.

"Hi...what's up?" Ari asked surprised and confused about his sudden presence.

"I heard that you had a lot of cakes to bake so I came to lend a pair of hands" He said barging in through her doorway.

"w-wat?" Ari was seriously confused. She locked the door behind him. "How'd you know?"

He turned around to face Ari before walking into the living room. "You called me remember?" he said cocking his head playfully just like the other day.

Oh so the wrong number person was Junghyun!- wait...

"How'd you know that it was me? And how'd you know this was my house??" Ari was full of questions and even more confused.

Junghyun gave out a chuckle which sounded crazily familiar to Ari.

"I told you that I'll be seeing you often from now on" He put his arm around her and started towards both the kitchen and the living room.

"LETS GO BAKE SOME CAKE!" He said excitedly.

"nononononononono Nobody is touching my cake-" Ari snapped.

"What do you mean??? That's what you called me here for"

"We do need an extra pair of hands BUT NOT ON MY CAKE!"

"BUT-" Before he could say anymore she made a fist and attempted to punch him. Junghyun dodged her punch, grabbed her other fist and swung her around; more like a dance move rather than an offensive attack. She was now backed up against his hard chest, he held her arm tightly across her chest, around her neck; she was suppose to be stuck. But this is Agent A we're talking about, she slid her head below her arm freeing herself from the cross grip, now holding onto Junghyun's right arm. She twisted that arm behind him while holding the other arm too and pulled really hard.

Junghyun groaned and begged for release.


Just then someone cleared their throat.

Both Junghyun and Ari noticed that they were in the middle of the kitchen and living room fighting while all her friends watched frozen from what they were doing.

Ari made a small O with her mouth before letting Junghyun go.

He stood up tall and ran his hand through his hair.

The balloon Jan was blowing released of her grasp and flew around the living room as she sat there her mouth open. A quick glance from Jin was enough to make her close her mouth and get back to blowing another balloon.


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"um... let me introduce you guys to Junghyun, He is also a CIA agent-"

"-specializing in software engineering and hacking, I'm in the technical department." Junghyun finished for her.

"Oh so you're in the same department as Tia." Ari pointed out.

Tia was in the corner organizing the cake mix boxes, not really looking up when her name was mentioned.


"hmm?" she finally responded

"Oh hi! I actually did see you around our department, but we haven't been introduced until now, nice to meet you."

"yea..." Atia said quietly then bowed slightly.

Ari noticed something wrong with Atia's behavior, she seemed awkwardly uncomfortable. So, She moved on to introducing the others.

"So that's Jan on the floor, the brilliant architect of this house. She was also part of the project when we had to reconstruct a part of our base 3 years ago." Jan waved friendly with both her hands then winked when she got the chance. "That's Siri with the streamers, she is one of our lead Bio-researchers at CIA" Siri smiled and shyly pronounced "hey." "That's Asta-"

"OMG! You're Asta Gadji, #1 successful CEO of the year!" Junghyun was shooketh.

Asta gave a humble smile, at which Junghyun kind of felt attacked.

"And that very broad-shouldered man over there is Doctor Jin" Junghyun couldn't believe his eyes.

"JIN HYUNG!!" He ran over to where Jin was and gave him a hug.

"How you doing kiddo? Long-time no see" Jin said patting Junghyun's shoulders.

"wait you guys know each other?" Jan asked.

"Yea, I've know hyung for a pretty long time" Junghyun replied.

"But how-" Ari started but was cut off by Siri "Now that we have an extra person can I get some help please?" Her hands were tied in streamers. How that happened is a mystery.

"I'll be right there to help!" Ari watched as Junghyun observed the knots and gave advice to twist and bend Siri's hand this way and that. He tried cutting some here and there, while Siri yelped scared that he might cut her hand. He laughed his eyes creased at the corner and a huge baby....bunny smile...

Why does he look so familiar?

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