"I don't want an explanation. I want this place clean and in order NOW"

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Jan layed down on the living room rug exhausted from blowing balloons. 

"I don't wanna do this anymore" She said giving up. 

Atia struggled to hang a banner on the wall, she was too short, the chair she was standing on wobbled. She refused help from anyone...especially Junghyun.

Siri sat still on the floor next to Jan all wrapped up like a mummy in red streamers. How she has done that to herself is a mystery. Junghyun has gone around the house to find bigger scissors. 

Jin and Ari Argued loudly about the ratios of all the ingredients for a huge cake. 

"If you need 3 eggs for one batch or one box and you have 20 and I have twenty so 3*40 120 eggs split it up u get 60 and I get 60-"

"Ohh no no no no! we don't need that many eggs. That is so unhealthy! do you know how much cholesterol that is???" Jin protested 

"No shit ,its a cake of course it's not healthy" Ari said giving Jin a 'r u dumb' look.

"But still we can change the ratio instead of three eggs per box we could use 2 and we don't need 1/3 a cup of oil or butter 1/4 is fine" Jin reasoned.

"NOOOOO!! the instructions are idiotic!" Ari threw the cake mix box on the other side of the kitchen. "And you're stupider, we need a FULL cup of oil per box!" 

"As a doctor I can never let that happen! SO MUCH FAT! I reeefuuuuuuussee to add fatty layers to my handsome face!" 

Ari grabbed the packet of cake mix from Jin, but Jin won't let go. 


"BITCH R U KIDDING ME!!! THAT'S LIKE HANDING OVER EVERYONE'S LIVES INTO SATAN'S HANDS" they continued going back and forth like that

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"BITCH R U KIDDING ME!!! THAT'S LIKE HANDING OVER EVERYONE'S LIVES INTO SATAN'S HANDS" they continued going back and forth like that.

Asta ran over to everyone with a small confetti blower in her arms.

"GUYS I THINK I FIGURED THIS OUT!!" She yelled. "You just press this button and-"

She was holding the blower in the wrong direction and pressed the wrong button resulting the blower to spit out a blob of confetti on her foot. Astae's face fell, she sucked in her breath trying to calm down. 

Meanwhile, Ari pulled the cake mix packet way too hard causing the packet to rip. All the cake mix clouded the kitchen and the living room. The powder was everywhere on the furniture, on their clothes, hair, face, floor, and air.

"This is a mess" Siri mumbled from behind a thick layer of streamer around her face. 

"what are we gonna do?" Tia said carefully jumping off the chair. 

Just in time, the doorbell rang again. All their eyes went wide and they stood still trying not to make any noise. 

"no one opens the door" Jan whispered lifting her head in a trunk lift position blowing the cake mix power off of her eyelashes. 

Soon the main door opened, walked in a man with hard boots and first-class police officer uniform, light blue-tinted shades matching his minty hair. 

"oh shit..." Everyone gasped under their breath. 

"I don't want an explanation. I want this place clean and in order NOW" Mint headed Officer Yoongi commanded. 

"YES SIR" everyone saluted and ran for it.

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