"So this is the only time that we can..."

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Jungkook refocused himself. "Ari we have to leave ASAP The helicopter is waiting, I'll give you the details on the way"

He grabbed Ari by the wrist and rushed out the door as Junghyun followed behind them, leaving the others confused as always.

"Jungkook! Hey!" Ari complained. It was dark outside except for the lights on the helicopter in the middle of the huge backyard.

Ari got on, followed by the two men. She eyed Jungkook and Junghyun sitting side by side and the realization hit her like a bulldozer. Her mouth dropped in shock and she cursed at herself for being so stupid.


No wonder Junghyun's every move seemed eerily familiar to Ari, it was because he was Jungkook's older brother! Ari continued to internally curse at herself for being so god damn retarded.

The helicopter flew quickly to the base. She noticed that not once have the two brothers looked at each other or said a word. When the helicopter landed on top of the CIA base the three agents ran out and met their boss inside at the important meeting.

"North Korean spies have sent us indirect warnings." Junghyun, Ari and Jungkook sat down at the meeting table in the same order respectively.

"The meeting between the two presidents-North and South Korea- have been decided on next week. This secret meeting is only within the knowledge of the government. We will assign 40 agents disguised as bodyguards and government officials."

"So this is the only time that we can..." Junghyun started but his voice trailed off.

The boss looked at him and nodded.

"It's the perfect time to delete those nuclear bomb data from their system. " The boss looked around the room at every agent.

"Surely they have something prepared for us too..?" Ari raised her eyebrows in questioning.

"Of course they do." Boss smirked "They are constantly developing new forms of weapons and strategies. They definitely have plans to do something to our president."

"The meeting is to discuss the peace treaty. But that will never happen because they refuse to stop their production of nuclear weapons, which was one of the deals of the treaty." Jungkook said matter of factly while rolling his tongue around inside his cheeks.

"Exactly. This is their form of manipulating our government to make us do what they want: to mass-produce nuclear weapons in South Korea too."

"Peace treaty my ass," Ari whispered under her breath. "They just want to use us"

"But wouldn't this result in a huge war?" Junghyun sat up in his seat.

"They wouldn't dare. It would be their fault. Remember it's a secret meeting. The allied countries have no idea. And this operation will be disguised as their own mistake."

"We would have the Technical Department agents separate to hack into the system. The map of the area and the layout of the building has been sent to all of you. More details will be discussed in later meetings."The boss put his hands in his pocket and stood up straight, getting ready to dismiss everyone, but stopped in his tracks.

"They have already warned us not to try anything funny during the meet. Remember the hidden bombs?" He chuckled then exited the meeting room.

All the agents got up from their seats and started going their own ways. But Ari headed out right after the Boss.

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