Ten minutes later, we're both sitting on the sofa with herbal teas, trying to talk about anything but Niall. I'm happy to hear that I can return to work at the nursing home next week. At first I had decided against returning, but I needed something to occupy my time. And besides, I really missed Donald.

At the sound of a loud pounding coming from the door, both of our heads snap in that direction. Arabella's eyes warily meet mine, and she sets her tea down on the coffee table. I watch as she picks up the jagged edged fire poker, motioning me up silently.

"We'll answer it, but I'm bringing this just in case those assholes decided to come back."

I nod quickly, silently agreeing with her plan. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that Arabella and I both thought of picking up the heavy poker in different situations as a weapon in case we needed it.

Shuffling over to the door quickly, the pounding gets louder and a thought hits me. What if it was Niall?

My brain seems to make this theory the only answer possible.

"Niall!" I scream, not even waiting for Arabella as I run to the door and yank it open without a second thought. My eyes widen as Nate stares back at me, the mug between my fingers slipping and falling to the floor.

I attempt to step back but he grabs my arm, pulling me forward slightly. I don't have time to scream before I see my best friend storming around the corner with the fire poker held high.

"Hey! Get away from her!"

When Nate does the opposite, wrapping his arms around me and yanking me out of the apartment I do scream.

"Hold it, hold it!" He yells, holding up one hand in defence as Arabella approaches the doorway.

"The glass...she was going to step in the glass." He explains, referring to the mug I had dropped in my surprise and fear. I glance down at my bare feet and realize that wouldn't have been very good if I would have stepped into it.

Slowly, Arabella lowers the weapon down and Nate seems to sigh in relief.

"What are you doing here?" I snap, pulling out of his arms and a safe distance away from him in the hall.

"You need to come with me" he reaches for my arm but I yank away in disgust.

"I will go nowhere with you."

"Shay, please." He steps forward and catches my wrist as I attempt to shove him back. "It's about Niall."

"Where is he?!" My heart is racing again already.

"He's been hurt, he's in the hospital just please come with me. Now."

Nate attempts to pull me down the hallway but Arabella catches my other arm.

"She isn't going anywhere alone."

I pull free from both of them and take ahold of Arabella's hand, showing him that I won't go anywhere alone with him.

"Fine, just, hurry."

We race out of the building, spilt tea and glass forgotten as we climb into his car. The only thing I can think of over and over is Nate's words, "he's been hurt."

Niall's POV

The constant beep of the machine behind my bed drives me absolutely crazy. It's been driving me crazy for three days now, and will continue to until I get out of here. The swelling in my face has gone down substantially, so much so that I can actually see out of my eyes now. However, the wounds I sustained in my chest and abdomen were far from healed, I felt a burn every time I took a deep breath and a gut wrenching pain if I tried too hard to sit up.

"Here, drink this juice."

My eyes warily meet Chelsea's as she hands me a small plastic cup. I had little to no appetite these last few days, the food that was sent to me going untouched for the most part. I allow Chelsea to help hold my head up and the cup to my lips as I slowly take a sip, the cold sugary liquid stinging the split in my bottom lip.

"That wasn't so bad, huh?" She asks with a small smile, setting the cup back on it's tray and taking her seat beside my bed. I nodded slowly, not having much will to speak.

Chelsea had been here almost all of the time, only leaving once to go home and take a shower. She wore her hair up every day, all day, and wasn't wearing a trace of makeup. I found it odd to continually see her literally look like hell, with bags under her eyes from lack of sleep but I guess I was grateful that she wanted to stay here with me.

"You should get some rest Ni," she smiles sweetly, her blue eyes blinking rapidly at me. It was like she was trying to make her eyelashes flutter up at me, and I didn't understand why she was acting so odd.

"Okay." I reply, leaning back against the pillow and sighing as the tension in my back subsides. Chelsea tells me she's going downstairs to the café for some food but I don't respond to her, keeping my eyes closed. I just wanted peace and quiet for a little while, so maybe I could get some sleep....

It feels like only seconds pass after Chelsea leaves the room when the door is opening again. I know that she couldn't possibly have been that quick getting food, maybe she changed her mind?

"Chelsea what are you-" I open my eyes and lean up, trying to convince myself that I am seeing things. Nate stands stepped back in the hallway, with Arabella; and Shay is in the doorway, with her hand around the doorknob and her mouth hanging wide open.


I updated a little early for you guys.

Let me know what you think?

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