
It's been half of a whole day now, everyone keeps inviting me to do somethinbg and rest from training, but I declined everytime. Even when Mikey came round to give me something to eat, I'd just leave it there, having been too involved in what I was doing. Splinter advised me to not push myself to far, or I might hurt myself or get sick, I had pretended to pay attention but I kept training anyway.

Raph hasn't visited me yet. Probably is either not copping with his grief, or he is hating someone or something.

Maybe... He blames me for all this happening, I wouldn't blame him in all honestly.


It was time for bed and I finally decided to stop training, I ate all the food that I had left untouched. I washed the plates and went to bed.

It was an understatement if I said I was exhausted, I had just trained for the entire day after all. I rolled around in bed, finding it hard to sleep, for four minutes at least, before finally falling asleep.


It was midnight, an idea had struck me and I was too excited to wait. I had already 'borrowed' the key Splinter kept in his room. Even if I was gonna do something good, it still felt wrong to sneak off with his sons - no, I can't think about that, gotta get this plan under way.

I unlocked the padlock, opening the door as quietly as I could. Walking inside and sneaking out with Donnie in arms, running for miles under the cover of darkness.

I soon got to a forest - the middle of the forest actually - and looked up at a tall mountain that went past the clouds, it's tall figure towering over us. Thunder boomed from the clouds, flashes of lightning illuminating from the clouds.

I gulped slightly, tieing Donnie to my back with some rope I brought along with me, before stepping up towards the mountain, beginning the treacherous climb.

Halfway up the climb, my foot slipped and my left hand let go, causing me to swing to the side a bit, I called out in fright.

Half my body hung on the mountain, the weight of Donnie being on my back weighing me down, tempting me to fall. But I reached up and grabbed a piece of solid rock, continuing on as if nothing happened, drips of sweat rolling down my face as I struggled.

Finally, I grabbed onto the top rim of the mountain, hauling myself and Donnie onto flat ground. I took this chance to catch my breath, cutting the rope off and resting Donnie onto the ground.

I knew that there was a way to revive someone you love, if your intentions were good enough, otherwise it wouldn't work. I would have to speak out a certain spell, having only newly researched about this revival spell.

I sat on my knees, Donnie's bod laying in front of me, I raised my hands into the sky "tsol ev'I eno eht eviver ot pleh ruoy deen I rof! Em ot emoc stirips."

Suddenly, bolts of lightning began to come down towards us, I grabbed Donnie and rolled out of the way, the lightning strikes only hit one spot, a large figure soon appearing.

My eyes widened as fear overwhelmed me, a largely build, solid sized warrior. The warrior wore silver armour pants, open chested silver chest plate and silver shoulder pads, a golden spear being clutched inside his hand.

My brow furrowed, grabbing out my (f/w), preparing for the fight. A fight then began as the creature launched towards me, making the attack first.

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