Shut up, Neil

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"Class of 2014!" Everyone yelled together as we threw our caps into the air.

I ran to Ceanna and Alessandra, "We did it!"

They squealed, "I know! Oh my god, I can't wait to go to college, and get my own place, and-"

Ceanna was cut off by a pair of lips latching on to her own.

"Somethings never change," I sighed as Alessandra nodded in agreement.

"So, when does your plane leave?" She asked me curiously.

"In two weeks," I laughed. "Why, when does yours?"

"Six hours," she mumbled quietly.

"What!" I shrieked. "You didn't find it important to let your best friends know that you were leaving?"

"I'm really bad at saying goodbye, you guys know that!" She protested. "Plus, Niall didn't say anything either."

I narrowed my eyes at her, "I'm gonna miss you, you know. We didn't get to throw a party for you or anything!"

"Exactly," She said with a guilty smile.

I was going to scold her some more when my handsome boyfriend picked me up and twirled me around.

I giggled as he rained kisses down on me.

This was never going to get old.

"We're graduates, baby!" I exclaimed.

"I know, babe. What do you say we go... celebrate. I know what you have on under that sexy dress of yours." He whispered in my ear huskily, hands moving down my waist to my ass.

I whimpered as he grabbed the flesh and began placing soft kisses on my neck.

"Harry, you horn dog! We are in public, you know!" Ceanna hollered breaking us out of our trance.

I laughed as I pointed to Niall, who had Alessandra hoisted up by her waist with her legs wrapped around him; lips locked in a passionate embrace.

It was so strange to see that shy, innocent nerd gyrating all over a bad boy.

Jeez did we change her.

Ceanna huffed, "They're different! We all know they're innocent. You two on the other hand, have no problem with getting it on in front of everyone."

What can I say? My man is hot.

"Wonder where we picked up that habit," Harry mumbled into my neck from behind.

I laughed as Ceanna yelled, "I heard that!" Before being whisked off by Zayn, probably to some secluded corner where they could suck face without any onlookers.

I spun around in Harry's arms, "Did you know Niall and Alessandra are leaving in a couple of hours?"

He grinned nervously, "Uh, no babe, of course not."

"You did!" I exclaimed, poking him in the chest.

"Niall made us swear not to say anything!" He said quickly grabbing my finger and placing a quick kiss on it.

Man, last time he did that, I was in English class begging for him to smile.

I guess I've changed, too.

We all have.

Changed, that is. Ceanna and Zayn were becoming more mature as we spoke and were definitely on the road to becoming an official couple.

Alessandra went from being a bashful, virgin, nerd to a less bashful, outspoken, virgin.

And Niall still isn't getting any.

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