Anthing but Stereotypical

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"I'm really not dressed for the occasion. I mean, come on, you thought my shirt was see-through!" I exclaimed nervously as Harry pulled into his driveway.

"Babe," he chuckled, "come down. You're gonna be fine and she's gonna love you."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm glad you're so confident."

"Of course I am," he intertwined our fingers and kissed my knuckles. "Who doesn't love you?"

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well, I do, so everyone else doesn't matter," he replies, sure of himself.

"Okay," I took a deep breath, "Let's do this."

"Mum," Harry called. "Sapphire and I are here!"

A gorgeous older woman who looked just like Harry came hurrying out of the kitchen. "Oh, hello dear, I'm Anne." She greeted me with a kind smile.

"Hello, Mrs. Styles, I'm Sapphire, you have a lovely home."

Harry raised an eyebrow in surprise at my formal greeting.

"Oh, please, call me Anne. Now come on, dinner is almost ready," she exclaimed before running back into the kitchen.

"She's lovely," I beamed at Harry.

He kissed the top of my head, "So are you. And what was that just now; 'Hello, Mrs. Styles, you have a lovely home'," he mocked my politeness.

I glared at him, "I don't always act like a delinquent, you know."

He laughed at me, "Babe, you hardly ever act like a delinquent."

I mumbled a small "whatever" as Harry pulled my into the dining room and pulled out a chair for me.

"Aw," I cooed. "What a gentleman!"

He rolled his eyes and sat down next to me. "Only for you."

My "aw" was cut off by another's- Anne's, specifically.

"You're so good for him!" She exclaimed. "I can just tell you two are the loveliest couple."

I blushed as Harry rolled his eyes, which was becoming a habit for him, to mask his own embarrassment.

"So," Anne began as I took a bite, "tell me about your parents."

My food got lodged in my throat as I coughed awkwardly. "Um, it's just my mom, me, and my sister. I've never really been close with my mother and there's a seventeen-year age gap between my sister and I."

Her eyes grew soft with pity as she nodded, "And your father?"

"He's never been a part of my life," I shrugged. "My mom and sister travel a lot, so I don't really have to deal with them too much."

I face-palmed, "Sorry, that was not supposed to come out like that. I just am not what my mother expected me to be, and she never lets me forget it."

Harry squeezed my knee in support under the table and I shot him a grateful smile.

"What about your life before you came here?" Anne continued to question.

I fidgeted in my seat, "Uh, it was really nothing special. I was quite different though; cheerleader, straight A's, president of our class."

Anne's eyes widened in surprise, "You're not like that now?"

"Oh, I'm not a bad person, I'm just not as easy to control or perfect as I was," I assured her.

She nodded hesitantly, "Alright."

"Mum, I think it's time I get Sapphire back home," Harry piped him.

"That's a shame. You're a lovely girl, Sapphire, come by whenever!" She called, smiling warmly.

"Thank you, Anne, dinner was delicious." I beamed at her.

Although she was overly curious, she was just being a good mother- and I understood that. Envied it, even.

Harry said goodbye to his mother and wrapped a strong arm around my shoulders, steering me towards the door.

Once we were seated in his car, Harry started the engine and reached over and took my hand.

I stayed silent, but squeezed it.

Harry eventually pulled into an empty park. He came round to my side and opened my door for me, as I had told him was unnecessary countless times.

But now, it was a welcomed act of chivalry.

He pulled a blanket out of his truck and laid it on the ground, motioning for me to lay down.

I did as he asked, and he came to lay down beside me.

I snuggled into his chest as he finally broke the silence.

"What happened, Sapphire?"

I gulped, knowing this question was inevitably coming, but hoping in ignorance it wasn't.

"What do you mean?" I whispered back hoarsely.

"You know what I mean, Sapphire. Tell me what happened to you." He nudged me gently.

I cleared my throat and began my story, "Right. So, I used to be just like my mother, believe it or not. I was perfect, organized, and put together at all times. You know I was a cheerleader, I was president of my class, and made excellent grades. With every perfect girl, of course, comes the perfect boy.

"His name was Ethan, and he was my everything. He wasn't the quarterback, but the tight end. He was so sweet, a real gentleman. He loved me and I loved him. At least, that's what I thought. Eventually, in tenth grade, I gave him my virginity and assumed I took his, also. One night, at a party, his best friend got drunk and started telling me about all the countless girls Ethan had been with throughout our entire relationship. I was heartbroken and in denial. I ran up the stairs to confront him, and found him in bed with the school slut.

"That's my story," I finished. "Very stereotypical."

"Sapphire Black," Harry said, wiping the tears I hadn't noticed were falling, "you are anything but stereotypical."

I gave him a watery smile, "So that's why I decided to go all bad ass, to prevent that from happening to me again." I told him.

He nodded, "I see."

"That's it? That's all you have to say?" I asked in disbelief.

"Of course not," he said in mock-offense. "I love you."

I grinned at him, "I love you, too."

"So, Sapphire Black," Harry began, "tell me about yourself."

"I just did?" I told him confused.

"No," he corrected, "you told me your story. I want to know you."

So we stayed at that park all night, talking about past, presents, and futures. Learning about each other. I didn't think it was possible, but, after that night, I loved him even more.



Two more chapters plus an epilogue, my lovelies! Once again, thank you so much for every one who's stuck with this story, I love you all so much. I started a 5SOS fanfiction called Disconnected. Check it out please? As always, comment, read, vote, and all that jazz. I love y'all!

Xxx Arie

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