Disney Princess Vomit

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We entered the mall entering stores I'd never even seen before like Charlotte Russe, Deb, and others I can't even pronounce. Definitely not Hot Topic or Body Central. We were currently in Forever 21, Alessandra was trying to convince Ceanna to buy a black skirt with a black bow belt.

"Oh hell no!" Ceanna protested. 

"You have to," Alessandra stated. Which was kind of true. "Go try it on!" She ordered. "Now, you, Sapphire!" She exclaimed turning her attention to me. 

"Uhh.." I said, unsure of what to say. 

She pulled out a bubblegum pink cardigan and a polka dot skater skirt. "Here!" 

My eyes widened as I hesitantly took the clothes. 

"And... this!" She yelled, holding up a black long sleeved shirt. 

"Calm the hell down!" I exclaimed trotting off to the dressing rooms. 

As I got up on Monday morning, I was extremely nervous. Alessandra had texted me the night before with specific instructions on what to wear and how to wear it. I walked to the bathroom and put on the horrindous clothes. Jesus. I looked like the Bubblegum Fairy. Ew. I walked over to my vanity and put my hair in the pigtails Alessandra had insisted. Then, came the disgusting cotton candy-colored lipstick. 

By the time I was done, I looked like a five-year-old with boobs. "Great," I thought to myself. "This really helps with my bad ass image." I called Ceanna to see how her progress coming along. 


"I'm going to kill myself."

"I'm sure you look just as bad as me. We can do this!"

"I hate you." She said and hung up.

I chuckled and left the house to go to school.

Harry's P.O.V

"You're looking extra happy today." I observed as Alessandra skipped over to Niall, beaming. 

Niall wrapped an arm around her waist, bending down to kiss her on the cheek. I'll be damned if I didn't feel a sliver of disappointment as I wished that would be me and Sapphire. 

"You'll know exactly why in about thirty seconds." She giggled. 

I raised my eyebrows and heard the familiar rumble of a motorcycle rolling up. I whipped my head in the direction of the sound. 

"Jesus, Harry, excited enough?" Zayn asked laughing. 

I sent a finger his way, never taking my eyes off of the motorcycle, that was definitely Sapphire's, but there was some girl with a polka dot skirt and pepto bismol pink cardigan on. 

"Who the fuck?" Louis spoke my thoughts. 

I watched as the girl took her helmet off. Then, I started dying. 

It was definetly Sapphire, but she looked like she got thrown up on by a Disney Princess. She even had her hair in pigtails! This must have been why Alessandra was so giggly this morning. 

Sapphire stalked over to us giving everyone the evil eye. Then, she turned and yelled, "Get out here, Ceanna!" 

Oh hell no, not her too. Now, everyone was cracking up. Ceanna stiffly walked up the side walk next to Sapphire. She was wearing a black skirt with, get this, a bow  belt. She had on some sort of hot pink tank top and the same colored heels. 

Zayn pulled her into his arms, "It's okay, baby." He started attempting to stifle a laugh. "At least you don't look like Sapphire." 

"Hey!" Sapphire spoke up, glaring at Zayn. She began walking towards him, but I grabbed a pigtail and pulled her back into me. 

"Nice try, sweetheart." I whispered into her ear. She shivered and I laughed in return. 

"Alessandra made us do it!" She exclaimed and pulled away, grabbing Ceanna in the process, and walking into the school.

We were in the middle of third period when I got a text from Zayn,

Malik: Hey, Ceanna's been bugging me for weeks about taking her on a date. You and Sapphire, wink wink, feel like joining us for ice skating later today?

Yes! This was just the opening I needed. I replied, 'Sapphire clinging to me in order to keep from falling? I think yes.'



Hey everybody! So, this chapter kind of sucked. It's really just a filler for the next one, but hey, it's something. I've been super busy lately, so hopefully everything will calm down and I'll be able to put more work into this story. Thanks for bearing with me you guys! As always, these outfits will  be on polyvore (southerngirlamw) Don't forget to comment, read, vote, and all that jazz! Love y'all!

Xxx Arie

Can I Touch Your Dimples? (Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora