Boners, boobs, and 6 pieces

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I made my way into my room, armed with Starbucks (sue me for the stereotypicalness) and an apple. I layed on my bed, opening my laptop up and logging into facebook. Not a minute after I was online, a message appeared. 

Harry Sryles: You know, I had to walk around all day with a boner.

Sapphire Black: Poor baby

Harry Styles: You could always kiss it better for me ;)

Sapphire Black:

Harry Styles: Are you sure? I mean, you seemed to enjoy my comment from this morning; I felt the shiver, love.

With that I logged off. Bitchy move, I know, but hey- I'm on my period. With nothing else to do, I started on my homework. "God, I really need to start acting more badass," I thought, absently. Well, I  can start tomorrow.

"Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door? No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality."

I woke up early today, as I would be starting my transformation into my "badass" character. I got up and walked over to my closet, "Bad ass, bad ass," I repeated skimming through my clothes. "Perfect," I said, quickly finding a black, tight, revealing tank top, the tightest pair of skinny jeans I owned, and a leather jacket. I also grabbed a teal, lacey push up bra and a black thong for good measure.

I quickly showered and changed into my outfit. Next, I threw on some black pumps to complete the look. I blow dried and curled my hair, and did a smokey eye with a nude lip that made my lip ring pop. Perfect. 

I stood infront of my mirror, examining myself. Boobs? Check. Ass? As checked off as a white girl could get. Happy with my appearance, I ran down the stairs, grabbing a granola bar and dashed out the front door. 

When I arrived at school, all heads turned towards me as I exited my motorcyle. I strutted up to the spot where we all usually meet, swaying my hips more than necessary. "Hey y'all!" I called giving out greetings. Ceanna just laughed at me and shook her head. The guys on the other hand, well that was a different story. 

Harry was the one I wanted to mess with the most, due to his message from yesterday, so I saved him for last. Walking up to Louis, he opened up his arms like everyday, but today was going to be different. I slowly walked into his arms, making sure to rub my chest against his and stood on my tiptoes. "Hi Louis," I breathed into his ear, seeing goosebumps where my breath touched. I licked the side of his ear lobe, feeling a bulge grow against my stomach,  before pulling back and winking at him. 

 Next, I walked up to Harry, seeing he'd dropped his phone as I walked up. "I'll get that for you," I purred. I turned around and bent down slowly....

Harry's P.O.V

"Shit," I cursed quietly, seeing Sapphire's hot ass bent over right infront of me. What was she trying to pull today? First, the hot ass clothes, now a hot ass. What the fuck?

She finally stood up and handed me my phone before-

She just walked away. 



"Sapphire," I yelled at her retreatinng figure. 

"Yeah?," She replied.

"Do I not get a good morning?," I asked, sounding pathetic.

"Good morning," She called over her shoulder, winking at me.

Louis and I both groaned in sync. "Looks like we're both starting the day off with boners," Louis grumbled while I nodded in agreement.

Sapphire's P.O.V

It was lunch already and I was pissed. I'd gotten way more attention than I would've liked for my outfit of choice today, but there wasn't a thing I could do about it due to the fact that this was why I'd worn it in the first place. ”Show them you're a bad ass,” I said to myself ”Exude your power.” But right now all I seemed to new exuding was sex from the looks I was getting. Thinking that, I felt a jacket drape over my shoulders. ”I don't like the way they are looking at you. You need to cover up!” Louis' voice hissed into my ear. I stubbornly took the jacket off, ”No, I have to show them that they are not to mess with me because I'm a bad ass.” I stated. Louis looked at me and began laughing. I just stared at him, confused. ”Feel like skipping?” He asked, wiping tears from his eyes. ”Why not?” I grinned.

Louis P.O.V

God, she's a mess. But a hot mess. A very hot mess. Did she not realize how childlike she sounded? Well, whatever, I'm not going to be the one to burst her bubble. Speaking of bursting, that's exactly what her boobs are doing out of her tank top. I've had to stop myself too many times already from taking a peek down her shirt, the fact that I'm taller than her didn't help. I asked her to skip with me because I needed to lay down some ground work with her- right now Harry was winning. We walked to a McDonalds not far from the school, deciding to get some lunch. I held the door as Sapphire walked in, seemingly excited. ”God Louis, I haven't been to one of these in forever!” She exclaimed. I chuckled at her excitement and led her up to the register. There a teen guy, about our age stood, blatantly checking out Sapphire. But her being her naive self didn't even notice. ”What can I help you with today, beautiful?” The cashier guy asked Sapphire, not even

glancing at me. Sapphire unexpectedly turned to me, raised on her tiptoes and whispered in my ear what she wanted, explaining that she hates ordering herself. When I hear her order I raise an eyebrow at her and she just stares back expectedly. I sigh and turn back to the register, the worker looking angry from our exchange. ”She wants a mighty kids meal 6 piece chicken nugget with a sweet tea.”



Hey errybody :) so excited for over 1k reads! Thank you for reading, it motivates me so much! Anyways, Merry Christmas and HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOUIS!! Our baby is 22 :( But anyway, don't forget to follow this story on twitter (@CITYDonWattpad) and on instagram (@canitouchyourdimples) as usual, Sapphire's outfit is on polyvore (southerngirlamw) love everyone!! Comment, read, vote, and all that jazz.

Xxx Arie

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