Gentlemanly Duties

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 Harry's POV

I pushed my way through the doors of the school thinking about what I'd over heard from the usual morning gossip or whatever girls call that shit. "Some new chick came today and rides a motorcycle; she's pretty hot." was basically what I understood.

  I walked through the halls into the office with my usual steel mask on, daring anyone to look my way. I swung open the doors to go visit with Mrs. Brownlee. "Hello Harry," she said in a sickly sweet voice. "Hey Mrs. Brownlee," I responded warily. 

"So, is there a reason you've missed 3 classes this week?" she asked me, in that same voice. 

Ahhh so that's what this is about. Well duh there's a reason you dumb bitch, but I doubt you'd like to hear about how Zayn got hurt street fighting and me and the other boys had to take care of him, I thought to myself. Instead I just responded with "Not particularly, no."

"Harry," she sighed. "You can't keep skipping school." she said disapprovingly. This mad me mad. She doesn't know what I have to deal with, what goes on in my life. So I raised my voice and said "Yeah, alright, I just need to know whether or not you're gonna give me a pass." 

She raised her voice equally as much and retorted "Maybe if you'd give me a reason I'd give you a pass."

Somewhere around this point I faintly heard the door closing behind me, but I ignored it. "That's not gonna happen," I said back to her. She sighed but then something caught her eye. "Harry, stay there. We will continue this conversation in a minute." she said to me. 

I just shrugged and walked to the wall, pulling out my phone and proceeding to play Angry Birds. Mrs. Brownlee chatted with the student for a minute before calling back to me "Harry?" I turned to look at her. "You will be showing Sapphire here around school for the next few weeks." She stated with an evil glint in her eye. "But-" I began to protest but she cut me off. 

"It wasn't a request Harry. It's either that or a trip to the principals." She spoke sternly. I rolled my eyes but walked out of my corner anyways, seeing the student for the first time.

Hot Damn.

This must be the new chick. She was pretty, hot, beautiful, and sexy, all in one. She was wearing skinny jeans that showed off her toned legs perfectly and a sweater that fitted her just right. She had curves in all the right places and absolutely amazing tits. Looking lower down, I found that she had brown combat boots on. "Well," I thought to myself "That's different."

But when I got to her face, I was startled. She had the prettiest, most mesmerizing eyes I'd ever seen. They were turquoise but then with a ring of yellow around the iris and a little grey-green mixed in. There was a brown spot on her right eye if you looked hard enough. 

She had crimson colored hair that had been curled and hung loosely in waves around her face. She was gorgeous. She even had a small, silver nose ring. My kind of girl.

Apparently she had caught me staring though, because she asked "Are you done staring, or are we just going to chill like this for awhile?" Her husky voice asked me with a quirked brow. 

I shook my head and chuckled. Wow, feisty too. You got lucky Styles. "I could ask you the same question," I retorted. She just winked at me and took her schedule. That's right. She winked. I was momentarily shocked by this, not used to girls having comebacks, but got over it quickly.

Mrs. Brownlee said something to her before she began to walk towards the door, nodding. Me being the gentleman I am, held the door for her, which gave me a great opportunity to check out her ass.



Well there you go people! A look into Harry's mind ;) There will be many more Harry POV's coming, so get excited! Also, I have a lot of plans for this story so stay tuned :) One more thing, I was thinking of making a twitter and instagram page for this story. What do y'all think? Lemme know! Comment, read, vote, and all that jazz! Love y'all!

Xxx Arie

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