Asthma attacks, hickeys, and constipation

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I arrived home, after riding my motorcycle in the ridiculous cold. I looked through my bedroom window at the grey clouds decorating the sky. "Dear God, please not snow." I muttered to myself. After changing into some sleeping shorts and a loose tank top and throwing my hair in a messy bun, I plopped myself down on my bed with a cup of hot chocolate and popped in Step-Up. 

Not too long later, the doorbell rang. I was immediately confused. Now, I know what you're thinking, "What the hell? This bitch doesn't know what a doorbell is?". Well I do, but my mom and sister were on another one of her "trips", which was beginning to become a weekly thing. So, I was confused because why would someone be coming to the house?

I made my way downstairs and opened the door to reveal a sheepishly grinning Louis and Harry. "Oh fuck no," I said before attempting to close the door. Harry's stupid reflexes caught the it before I had the chance to slam it in their face. 

Louis pecked me on the cheek before walking in the house like he owned the place, Harry following in suit. "What the hell?" I exclaimed following them into my kitchen. 

"We come bearing food," Harry said, ignoring my question. They did in fact, Louis carrying Chinese food and Harry holding various candies, all favorites of mine.

"Anndddddd..." Louis started to say.

"Spit it out," I said back, rolling my eyes.

"Well if you forgive us, there is blue mountain dew in it for you." He replied, he and Harry giving me puppy dog eyes.

"All's forgiven!" I shouted, reaching for the soda.

Three hours, three finished Chinese foods, three eaten swedish fish containers, three failed boob grabs (courtesy of Harry- "But they're just there! I swear they're looking at me and begging me to touch them!"), and three Step-Up movies later, we were all ready to burst. "Ughhh, why did I let you guys talk me into this?" I asked. "I'm pretty sure I just gained a hundred pounds!" I exclaimed. The boys just laughed at me.

"It's only ten 'o'clock." Louis said checking his phone. "Whaddya wanna do now?" He asked.

"Might as well invite the others over." I replied, getting up to throw our trash away. 

Ten minutes later and Ceanna, Alessandra, Zayn, Niall, and Liam had all arrived.

"Awwww!" I started, "You guys all look adorable!" I stated looking at my pajama clad friends. Ceanna just wore a sports bra and boxers, I swear that girl hates clothes. Alessandra had on fluffy pants and a cami. "Alessandra you have boobs! Kinda...." I yell.

She just laughs and replies "Not all of us can be as well endowed as you. I mean look at that! It's not natural!" I laugh in response.

Niall, Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn all have flannel pants on and white t-shirts. "You guys planned this didn't you," I accused. 

"No!" They all yelled simultaneously. 

"Mhm," I mumbled. "Sure." 

"What was that?" Liam yelled.

"Nothing!" I yelled back. 

We were all in my room watching Insidious 2 and I was dying. "Why would she do that to her kid?" I screamed. "It's a boy, for fuck's sake!" 

The guys were doing a different kind of dying, one that included a lot of laughing at us girls as we screamed and hid. I was nestled between Louis and Harry, looking through my hands and yelling at the screen. I heard a smacking sound and looked over expectantly at Ceanna and Zayn, but no, Ceanna was in the same form as me. 

 I turned the other way and was shocked to find Niall and Alessandra in a heated make out session, so heated his hand was up her shirt. "Oh my God," I breathed out, trying not to laugh. 

"What is it?" Harry asked, leaning down. 

"Niall and Alessandra," I gasped out, in the midst of silent laughter. "Feeling her up!" I whispered back. 

His eyes grew wide as he turned to the couple and started wheezing. I poked Louis and pointed to the sight that had Harry and I dying. He buried his head in my neck, trying to conceal his laughter, after showing Liam the scene.

"What the hell?" Ceanna yelled from the other side of the room. "Why does Sapphire look like she's having an asthma attack, Harry looks like he is trying to shit, and Louis looks like he's giving Sapphire a hickey!" She shouted.

We all wordlessly pointed to Niall and Alessandra, who were still going at it, oblivious to the noise around them. Zayn and Ceanna looked offended. "That's our job," Zayn pouted and Ceanna just rolled her eyes at him.

Liam threw a couple pieces of popcorn at the couple, finally causing them to break apart.

"What? You finally realized you needed oxygen?" I gasped out over my laughter.

"Go head Niall!" Harry yelled. "At least one of us got to feel some boobs." He said poking his bottom lip out and looking at me.

"Oh shut up," I grumbled. 



Hiiiiiii! In honor of yet another snow day, I decided to update. Are you guys getting snow? Let me know in the comments! As always, these outfits will be on my polyvore (southerngirlamw) including the one from the last chapter. Go see what Sapphire had to say about this chapter on her twitter @SapphireBlack_! Comment, read, vote, and all that jazz. Love y'all!

Xxx Arie

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