I've heard skype sex is the best

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"I still can't believe he took you to see his mom." Ceanna stated.

"It's been like three weeks," I rolled my eyes. "Why is it such a big deal?"

"Because," Alessandra provided, "It's Harry. And when does Harry ever take girls home to meet his parents?" She paused dramatically. "Never."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, it really wasn't that big of a deal. It was nice and I had a fun time."

"Sure," Ceanna drawled out. "So, have you thought about college?"

That was one of the topics Harry and I had discussed that night- College. Where we were going, what we wanted to do, how we planned on getting there. I learned that Harry planned on going to a local community college so that he could stay near his mom. I, on the other hand, planned to go back to the states for college.

This could be a problem.

I wasn't stupid- I realized Harry was a male with male needs and didn't expect for him to wait for me.

He adamantly protested, saying I was the one for him. Still, I had my doubts.

I was pretty firm in my belief that I honestly just wouldn't want anyone other than Harry.

"Harry plans on going to community college while I go back to the states," I informed Ceanna.

"What?" She exclaimed. "Why would you guys leave each other so soon after actually becoming official?"

Alessandra nodded in agreement, "I couldn't do it. Niall and I are both going to the states. I'm majoring in journalism and him in engineering."

I smiled at her, "That's great."

"Well I am getting a degree in business. I plan on starting my own, being the entrepreneur that I am," Ceanna threw in proudly. "And Zayn's not going to college, wants to become a tattoo artist."

"Honestly, you guys, I'm happy for you. But, that's what's best for Harry and I. I think that we'll do okay long distance, and I've heard skype sex is the best." I winked.

Alessandra scrunched her face up in disgust while Ceanna laughed.

I looked down at my phone to see the time, "Shit," I cursed. "Harry's picking me up, we're gonna go dress shopping."

"Your boyfriends taking you graduation dress shopping?" Ceanna questioned.

"Yep, we've also heard dressing room sex is great." I waggled my eyebrows playfully.

"Gross," Alessandra cried as I waved to them and bounced out of the coffee shop.

"I swear, they go at it like rabbits." I heard Ceanna mutter behind me.

I laughed as I went through the door, searching for my handsome boyfriend. Suddenly, two arms wrapped around my waist from behind and familiar lips began to nibble at my neck.

"Hey babe," Harry's husky voice greeted me.

I giggled, "Hey."

He raised an eyebrow at my cheerful mood, "Why are you so happy?"

"Who wouldn't be? I have a gorgeous boyfriend taking me shopping for a graduation dress, a graduation this weekend, and then I'm done with high school and get to go live in the real world!" I exclaimed.

He pouted, taking my hand and leading me to his car, "You're that happy to be leaving me already?"

"Of course not! I'm gonna miss you like hell, but I can't wait to be independent."

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