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After eating luch with Louis, I headed back home. When I walked into my room, my phone started to ring.

Unknown Caller

Confused, I answered "Hello?," sounding curious. "Sapphire?," a voice asked, rushed. "Yes?," I responded. "I need help. A fight. With Aubrey. Come to the Underground."

Shit shit shit. 

"How did Molly get my number?," I muttered aloud as I grabbed a turqouise sports bra, white compression shorts, and sneakers. I hurriedly changed while braiding my hair and running out the door. 

When I got to my motorcycle, I stopped. Shit. Where's the Underground? Just as I thought that, my phone buzzed and an adress appeared on the screen. "Well, that settles that." I said as I sped off.

I approached a dark, dirty alley that, wouldn't you know, matched the address Molly had sent me. I walked up to the doorway at the end of the alley. I knocked twice and a burly man answered "What's the password, cupcake?," he asked. "There is no password, dickhead." I replied with an eye roll, pushing past him and walking in. 

Right away, I saw Molly in a headlock with Aubrey. I hoisted myself into the ring. "Get out," I said to 

Molly, swiftly grabbing Aubrey's arm and putting my left foot behind hers. Then, I grabbed her left leg, dodging a punch, and fell backwards. "Do you really want your arm broken?," I asked Aubrey, looking down at our position. I was under her with her arm firmly in my grip and my legs locked, preventing her from getting up. She grunted and tapped out, while I stood up and went to go find Molly. 

She was in a corner, nursing a broken nose with an ice pack. "What the hell did you think you were doing, fighting Aubrey?," I all but screamed at her. "I was good until she came at me with a breaking real strangle body twist." She protested. "How did you get my number anyways, and what are you doing in England?," I asked. "I used a phone book and I came to find you." She answered, like it was obvious. 

"What the he-" I began, but was cut off by a "Sapphire?" 


I slowly turned around, "Hi Zayn," I smiled weakly.

"Explain this to me again." Zayn requested. "Well, I did some hand to hand back home, on the streets, and that was one of my friends I met doing that. She sucks, clearly, and called me because she needed help. And I helped her." I explained. "Look Zayn, you really can't tell anyone about this. I came up here to get away from it," I started. "Okay." He replied. "Really Zayn, I know they're your friends, they're mine too, but- wait. Okay?," I asked confused.

"Okay," He repeated. "I get it, I've been fighting since I was 14." Zayn said quietly. "Just promise me you'll tell them soon." He asked. "I can try." I promised weakly. "How the hell did you get in to this?," He asked me, confused. 

"Well, there was a guy. And I liked him. And he liked fighting." I said, quietly. Zayn just nodded, getting I wasn't open to talking anymore. "You?," I asked. "I needed to make money for my family," He explained. "That's very brave of you," I admired.

I couldn't imagine fighting at 14. I could barely do it at 16; the bruises, the breaks, the cover ups. This is the stuff that even grown ups have trouble with. ”So,” Zayn asked, changing the subject ” How good are you?” He asked me, with a raised eye brow.

”I've only lost twice, I fight both in and out of my weight category, both genders.” I replied. ”Impressive,” He nodded. ”You?” I asked, genuinely curious. ”I only fight guys, for obvious reasons, and in and out of my weight.” He said. ”Not bad yourself,” I replied.

”So, do Harry, Louis, and the guys know about your fighting?” I asked, nervously. ”Harry and Louis specifically?” He said back, with a knowing smirk. ” What, no! Everyone else too, I wasn't particularly talking about anyone!” I sputtered, attempting to defend myself.

Zayn just laughed and finally put me out of my misery. ”Love, I know we don't seem like bad guys, but we really are. I'm not the only fighter in the group, shit, the only one of us not fighting is Niall, because he's our fucking manager.” He said.

”I'm gonna have to tell them sooner than later,” I muttered.

”Tell who what sooner than later?” A voice asked from behind me.




Hey loves!! I missed you all :) Happy new years, I hope you enjoyed that and your Christmas. So, here's the new chapter! As always, follow the story on twitter to keep up with it (@CITYDonWattpad) and instagram (@canitouchyourdimples) this outfit will be on polyvore (southerngirlamw) Comment, read, vote, and all that jazz. Love y'all!!

Xxx Arie

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