Choosing Time

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Y'all are either gonna love me or hate me for this... Read on darlings!

Louis P.O.V

"They did what?" I hissed in to my phone.

"Yeah dude, they kissed. But I really think her and Harry are good for each other." Zayn informed me.

"I'll talk to you later, I have some business to take care of." I grunt and hang up.

"Ugh!" I scream and chuck my phone at the wall.

God, I really, really, really like Sapphire. But I know Harry does, too.

"This isn't fair to anyone." I say to myself as I grab my jacket and head out the door.

Time to choose.

Sapphire's P.O.V

I was sitting at home on my bed, in sweats, with my hair thrown up, and glasses on.

What a sight to behold.

"Ugh, NO I DON'T KNOW THE NEGATIVE EXPONENTIAL OF 137.8" I scream in frustration.

Just then, the door rings. I look down at my attire, shrug and go to answer the door.

I pull it open and am faced with a distressed looking Louis and worried Harry.

"Uh, hi guys?" I say, opening the door for them to let them in. "What can I help you with?"

"You need to pick." Louis rushed out.

"Pick what?" I asked.

"Which one of us you want to be with." Harry explains, giving me a small smile.

"Be with?" I repeat, still dazed.

"God dammit, Sapphire. I really, really like you. You're beautiful and funny and perfect. I am honored to be your friend, but I need to know if there's a chance that we could be more." Louis pleads.


The same Louis that offered me his jacket when I was dressed like a whore to establish my reputation.

The Louis who took me to McDonalds and ordered a Mighty Kid's meal for me.

The Louis that smacked my ass on the beach.

"Sapphire?" Harry asks. "Babe are you okay?"


The same Harry who showed me around school.

The Harry that saved me from Blonde Whore.

The Harry that danced with me in the club.

The Harry who taught me how to ice skate, then kissed me.

The Harry that molested me in a Victoria's Secret fitting room.

The Harry that I-

That I love.

It all came crashing down on me in that moment.

I'd been in love with this boy since he let me touch his dimple in class. Since he showed me that there are people that care about me, and shared his friends with me.

I love Louis, too, though. But I love Louis as a best friend, as someone who is always there for me. Not romantically.

"Louis?" I called softly. "Can we talk for a sec?"

He nodded and walked towards my room.

I pointed at Harry, "Stay here and do not move."

"Um, Louis, you're an amazing guy. You are attractive, funny, and sweet. Any girl would be extremely lucky to have you, including me. I appreciate all you've done for me, and all the times you've been there for me. But, Louis, I don't have romantic feelings for you. I love you as a best friend, or even a brother. Please don't hate me." I rushed out.

Can I Touch Your Dimples? (Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن