"Please." She silently begs just as I step forward.

"Get the fuck away from her." I yank Chelsea behind me with one tug, a soft whimper falling from her lips. Jesse seems amused, the dart hanging from his lips as he stands up taller and crosses his arms.

Smoke is blown directly into my face, before he pulls the cigarette from his lips and keeps it between his fingers.

"I don't think you're in any position to be making threats, Horan."

I feel Chelsea's presence leave from behind me, my head turning to the side as I watch her scurry to the couch. Just as she takes a seat I feel someone's fist connect roughly with my stomach. Chelsea's scream overpowers my pained groan, body hunching over from the blow. Before I realize what's happening the fist connects with my stomach again.

I gasp for air, being shoved to the floor roughly. I want to stand and fight back but I feel like I can't breathe, the wind knocked from me.

A boot hits my ribs, my body curling from the impact. Jesse is laughing, howling really as he beats me. My head is spinning, eyes glossy. Chelsea is screaming and covering her ears with her hands, watching on as blow after blow is given.

I can taste the blood on my tongue and hear the rattle of my ribs every time he kicks me. My eyes feel heavier with each passing second, but the mention of her name has me spiralling back to reality.

"Shay, what a lovely little one she is" Jesse growls, using his foot to push me onto my back. I groan as he keeps me in place with his boot pressed to my chest, the blood from my forehead blurring my vision.

"You got a bitch pregnant, Niall. Wasn't that a rule in college, never get a whore pregnant? That's what she is right, a dirty whore like Chelsea?" My arms flail out, shoving at his leg as I desperately try to stand. He keeps laughing at me, foot pressing so hard into my chest that I cry out in pain and keep completely still.

"I'm going to fuck her, you just watch. I don't care if I have to hold her down, maybe even smack her around a bit to shut her up. It's going to happen, and when she's crying out for you, you won't be there. Because you're weak, and you can't help whores like her, Niall. You'll never be able to give her or that baby what they need."

I feel tears pouring from my eyes, my throat closing up. I realize that my throat isn't closing because I'm crying, it's because Jesse's foot is now on my neck, pressing down harder, and harder...

"Stop!! You'll kill him!" I don't recognize the voice but I can't focus on that, I need to focus on breathing.

But I can't breathe.

Oh god.

Was I dying?

"Stop, now Jesse, stop!!" Is the last noise I hear before everything around me turns black.

"Please, please don't die on me Niall."

"Come on, open your eyes!"

"He isn't breathing much, hurry up!!"

My mouth parts to take in air but it aches so badly to breathe. My eyes are too swollen and sore that I can hardly see anything.

I groan when I'm being pulled up to a standing position. My head spins and I feel like I may throw up or pass out again. Both of my arms are draped over two separate peoples shoulders, and they begin dragging me somewhere. I try to help them, but I can't move my feet. Instead they just drag behind me, all of my weight being held up by others.

"Help, we need help!"

My head spins some more when something soft comes into contact with my back. A bed?

"What happened?"

"Someone beat him up outside my house, please you have to help him!"


The soft bedding beneath me begins to move and I feel like I'm floating. Am I floating?

Something screeches loudly and I stop floating, groaning at the noise. Tires? I was on a wheeled bed. Where was I?

"Only family beyond this point."

"I'm his sister." A voice lies. Who is that? I don't have another sister.

"No, not my sis-"

I groan again, stopping my sentence when I realize how much it hurts to speak. I could hardly breathe without pain, let alone talk.

The first voice disappears, Nate's voice, but my 'sisters' stays. I feel fingers push through mine as the bed continues to move, a voice I recognized as Chelsea's now whispering "please don't die." Before everything is black again.

My eyes still feel swollen when they slowly open up. I feel like I'm looking out of tiny slits, the room around me appearing small.


Turning my head slowly, I meet Chelsea's blood shot eyes and groan at the pain in my chest.

"What happened?" I ask, voice cracking. I needed a glass of water.

Her head turns to the doorway, before she leans in closer to my bed. I feel her fingers lace through mine once more and try to pull away but she holds me still.

"Jesse, he just....he went insane." Her lips squeeze closed as a few tears escape. Chelsea looked like hell, something I could never say about her before. Her face was makeup less and covered in blotches from crying, dark circles lingering beneath her eyes. I don't think I had ever seen her without makeup, let alone wearing sweatpants with her blond hair in a messy bun.

"Where's Shay?" I blurt, attempting to sit up. Chelsea's eyes widen and she gently urges me back down by my shoulder.

"I don't know sweetie, it doesn't matter right now."

"It does matter," I snap, reaching beneath the blanket to retrieve my phone from my jeans. I realize then that I'm no longer wearing jeans, and I didn't see them on the table beside me.

"Give me your phone." I demand, looking down at the IV in my arm. With one swift tug I yank the device out of my skin, immediately signalling off what seemed like a thousand whistles and bells that has me groaning again in pain. My head hurt so bad.

"Niall!" Chelsea seethes, getting to her feet. I try to reach for her cellphone peaking out from her sweatshirt pocket but she grips my wrist to stop me.

"You don't need her right now, baby. I'm here, I'll take care of you."

"No" I push her away when she tries to kiss my forehead. Attempting once more to sit up, I'm stopped again, this time by a doctor.

"You have to lie down." He instructs firmly, pressing me back down into the mattress. I sigh, feeling my eyes get heavy and the ache in my chest and stomach intensify.

"Make it stop" I beg him, clutching a hand to my abdomen. I feel the pinch of my IV being hooked back up, and moments later the harsh pains subside. He must have given me more painkillers. I try to beg Chelsea one more time to call Shay but my words get twisted in my mouth, and before I can stop it from happening I'm dozing off once more into a darkness that's much more comfortable than the pain.


I hope you guys liked this chapter.

Please tell me what you thought :)

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