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"Holy shit." I said as the notification popped up on my phone. "What is it?" My best friend Sarah said sitting down next to me. We were at her and her boyfriends apartment, just hanging out every Tuesday like we normally do. 

"I just got a DM on Instagram from Christian Yelich." I said and she looked at me. "Christian who?" She said and I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "He's a baseball player, he plays for the Brewers." I said. 

"Oh, well what did he say?" She asked and I opened the DM and read it. "I'm starring in a movie about my life, I need someone to play my love interest and I choose you, will you do it?" I read out loud. "Holy fuck, he's choosing you? Did he not see your profile and that you have a boyfriend?" She asked and I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. 

"I'm gonna reply back." I said. "What are you gonna say?" She asked. "You'll see." I said as I typed a reply. Uh, hi. I really don't know what to say, did you not see my profile and that I have a serious relationship going on? "What do you think he's going to say?" Sarah asked. 

"I'm really not sure, but we're going to find out soon because he's typing back." I said and she looked over my shoulder. "He replied." She pointed out. "Well that's why I want you. I need someone who won't get attached to me and you look like you'd be amazing." I said out loud. 

"Dude, you have to freaking take this." She said. "And risk my relationship with Matthew? Dear god no, he'd kill me for taking this." I said. "Your relationship needs something like this though. All you two do is do nothing. Neither of you get out without each other, I really think that this would be good for you." She said. 

"I need to tell him I need to think about it." I said typing away on my phone. "I need to think about this, when do you need an answer by?"  I sighed. "I need to go home and talk to Matthew about this, it's way too much for me." I said getting up and putting on my shoes. 

"You'll be fine with whatever decision you make. Let me know." She said giving me a hug and letting me go. Christian had already answered me when I got to my car, so I looked at it before driving off. "By tomorrow would be great, look I know what you have to go through, and I know it's going to be the hardest decision of your life. It looks like you and your boyfriend have been together for a long time, just let me know."

I sighed and just left the conversation as is. I drove home and my boyfriend was sitting on the couch. "Hey baby, you look down, what's wrong?" He asked getting up and giving me a hug. "I got asked to be in a movie." I said nonchalantly. 

"What baby? That's amazing! Wait, who asked you?" He asked and I sighed. "See that's the problem, it was Christian Yelich." I said and he looked like he wanted to punch something, hopefully not me. 

"How did he find you and why does he want you?" He asked. "I don't know how he found me, but he wants me because I'm in a relationship and he wants someone who won't get attached and I don't know babe, what do I say?" I asked. 

"I think you should take it." He said and I was taken aback by what he said. "Wait what? You want me to take it? You do realize we will be apart for like two to three months?" I said pacing back and forth in our living room. 

"I realize it, but I know it's something that you want to do. You love baseball and you love Christian Yelich, so I want you to live out your dreams. Go on, go do the movie." He said and I kissed him. 

"I love you with all my heart, what's going to happen to us?" I asked. "I'm still going to be here when you get back, I'll come out to you when I can. I support you 100% as long as you don't fall in love with him, I'll be fine." He said and I laughed. 

"Like I would ever fall in love with another man that isn't you, I love you so much." I said and he kissed me and went upstairs and I sighed and got out my phone and opened up my DM's and messaged him back. "I'm in. When and where do I have to go?"

I sighed and sat down on the couch and waited for his response. It came a minute later. "Good, I'll tell my agent and he'll send you the details, give me your phone number and I'll see you soon."

Did I just make the biggest and dumbest decision of my life?

Kiss The Girl ~ Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now