Thirty Four

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Jasper, Christian and I were in Seattle for this years All-Star game. Christian is actually having a better season than he did last year, which wasn't surprising to me. He thanks our little girl for that. I am almost done travelling with the team, as I am almost 34 weeks pregnant, so after this road trip to the all star game, Jasper and I are heading back home and staying there until the baby is born. 

"Ooooh baby momma looking stunning as usual!" Christian said as I was getting my dress on. "Thank you babe, this little girl is making momma happy today." I said as I rubbed my stomach. 

"Oh I forgot to tell you, Sarah and Collin are here as well, they're walking with us too

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"Oh I forgot to tell you, Sarah and Collin are here as well, they're walking with us too." He said with a smile. "Yay! I am so excited to see the both of them, I haven't seen them since the gender reveal!" I said. 

"Jasper, do you want to see Uncle Collin and Auntie Sarah?" I asked as I was now getting him ready in his cute little outfit. He smiled and got all happy when I said their names. Just then there was a knock on the door and Christian went to answer it. 

"Oh my best friend is SMOKING!" Sarah said as she came into the room. "Girl, you should talk, you look amazing! Black looks so good on you and it's so simple." I said going over and giving her a hug. 

"Oh we also have to tell the two of you something, but you can't tell anyone else okay?" She said

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"Oh we also have to tell the two of you something, but you can't tell anyone else okay?" She said. "You got it, what's up?" Christian said coming over and putting his arms around me. "Well, I know it's soon, but I'm pregnant. You're going to be an auntie." She said and my jaw dropped but with a smile on my face. 

"Stop, are you serious?!" I said and I was super happy for the two of them. "Dude no way, that's amazing!" When are you due?" Christian asked bro hugging Collin and then hugging Sarah. February 11th, I am 11 weeks today, which is why we are telling you today! We didn't want to wait until 12 weeks, Alecia already knows and she's super excited that she's getting two babies." She said. 

"Dude I'm so happy for the two of you. I can't wait to have all babies around." I said giving her a hug and then Collin. "I know all the babies, Alecia isn't going to know what to do with herself when we all have kids." Sarah said. 

"This is what mom has been waiting for though, for all her son's to get married and have babies, she's been waiting for this since she found out Cam was a boy. She really wanted a girl." Christian said. "Yeah she's getting a granddaughter, maybe two who knows, she's sent us so much stuff for her already, the house in Milwaukee is overflowing. I had to tell her to put some of the stuff she bought into our Cali home since we will be there after the season is over." I said. 

"Oh yeah, she's bought us gender neutral stuff for us too. She's gone crazy." Collin said as we were now in the car on the way to the red carpet. "Alright baby girl, stop kicking momma in the bladder, I literally just went pee." I said and everyone laughed. 

"Oh the things I'm going to have to look forward to soon." Sarah said. "Yeah this is the not fun part honestly, but everything else is so cool. Like seeing her foot when she kicks me and having that feeling, it's amazing." I said and we pulled up to the red carpet. 

We walked through and took some pictures and did some interviews and of course we stumbled upon Jared and Dallas, as always. "Girl you're glowing and about to pop, when are you due?" Dallas asked. "September 4th, probably earlier honestly. She's already 4 lbs, she could come any time now." I said wit a smiled. 

"Are you done travelling after this?" Jared asked. "I am, once Jasper and I go back to Milwaukee, I'm there until the guys end their season and we head back to California." I said. "I love the two of you so much, you are the realest people out there and don't hold back when it comes to us or any interviews that is." Jared said. 

"It just comes natural with the two of you honestly, you guys keep it real which means we're comfortable with the two of you." Christian said. "I see Collin is here this year, who is that with him?" Dallas asked. 

"That's his girlfriend Sarah, she's my best friend." I said with a smile. "Oh Kristen the wing woman I see?" Jared said. "Yes, they met at our gender reveal for Jasper and they hit it off and continued talking and then made it official after our wedding, they're great for each other." I said. 

We talked for a little bit longer before going our separate ways, Christian to the locker room and then me, Jasper, Sarah and Collin to the family lounge to get changed into some game attire. I put on some leggings, a tank top and a Mrs. Yelich Jersey, I got Jasper changed into some shorts and a Daddy's Number 1 Fan shirt with Yelich 22 on the back. 

I took a picture with Jasper and put it on Instagram. kristenyelich:  We are daddy's number 1 fans! We can't wait to add our little girl to this picture next year! Let's go #22! 

"So how much longer do you think he'll play?" Sarah asked. "Larisa and I were just having this conversation at the gender reveal, I don't know honestly. He says that he wants to stop when Jasper is in school, so maybe in the next four years he'll stop? I don't know. He hasn't voiced his true and actual opinion on when he'll stop. He said he wants to be there for Jasper when he starts sports, so who really knows. I want him to keep playing, I really do. I also know he wants to be closer to family." I said. 

"Yeah I know, it sucks doing all the travelling between Milwaukee, Arizona and California." Sarah said. "I mean it's not horrible. It's nice having three houses, but it does get a lot when you're spending most of your year on the road." I said. 

"Are you going to stay with the Brewer's when he retires?" She asked. "I don't know, I haven't really thought about that yet. This is year three with them and if I leave when he leaves, it should be about 7 or 8 years with them, I haven't talked with Christian about that either because I think once he's done, he'll want to stay in California full time." 

"You guys have a lot of decisions to make then, I don't envy you." She said. "I know we do, and I don't envy me either." 

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