Thirty Eight

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It's our 1 year anniversary today and we are celebrating in the best way we know how, in Hawaii just the two of us. "Happy anniversary beautiful." Christian said as we still laying in bed just waking up. 

"Mmm good morning handsome, happy anniversary." I said and I kissed him. "How about we start off the day right, but a little morning sex?" He asked and I laughed. "Well of course,  but first, are we trying for another baby, or no?" I asked. 

"Why would you ask that?" He asked. "Because if we're going to have sex I need to know if we're going to be careful or not." I said and he smiled. "Then let's not be careful, I want another baby." He said leaning down and kissing me, we already slept naked, so there were no clothes to be shed. 

He rolled me over and got on top of me and started to kiss down my neck. "God fuck I hate when you tease the shit out of me Christian, just fuck me already." I said as he kissed down my body. "Eager are we?" Christian asked as he came back up and positioned himself in between my legs.

"God yes, I haven't felt you in so long." I said as I arched my back so my pelvis would reach him telling him that I needed him. "Your wish is my command baby girl." He said leaning down and kissing me and entering me without any warning. 

I moaned into the kiss and pulled away and started to kiss his neck, something I knew that drove him crazy when he had sex. "You're so beautiful." He said as his head was in the crook of my neck leaving kisses when he wasn't moaning out profanities. 

"Good fuck baby, I'm gonna cum." He said. "Go on baby, me too." I said and we both rode out our highs together. He kissed me so gently before pulling out and laying next to me. I cuddled into his side. 

"Now that's how you start off an anniversary." I said and he laughed. "I mean it's the only way to start off your one year anniversary being married now isn't it?" He asked getting out of bed and putting on some boxers. 

"Ya know, this is nice and all, but I miss the kids honestly." I said as he opened up the curtains. "I do too, but we wouldn't have been able to do that if they were here, soon we'll bring them to this beautiful place." He said. 

"Yeah, maybe if we get pregnant with baby number three, after they are born and finally do a family vacation." I said. "Do you want to be done after three kids?" He asked. "I think so, we'll have three kinds under five, don't you think that's a little much?" I asked. 

"I mean now that I'm not playing anymore, I don't think that it will be a big issue, I'll be able to help out more with the two older ones while you're tending to the baby." He said. "Look at us talking like I'm already pregnant and trying to figure things out." I said and he smiled. 

"I mean we have to have this conversation though just in case cause it's a big step going from two to three." He said. "It is, but I want to make sure Jasper and Mackenzie know that we still love them. It's crazy to me that Jasper is already two." I said. 

"I know, I feel like it was just yesterday we had him and our wedding." He said. "Well enough about the kids, this trip is all about us. Let's go on with our day. What do you have planned?" I asked. "Well first, beach time because we are pasty as fuck, two dinner on the beach with my lovely wife." He said. 

"I love you so much." I said and he came over and kissed me. "I love you too, let's go Casper get your bathing suit on." He said and I laughed as he called me Casper, I'm just that white.

"I still refuse to believe that you popped out two babies in two years honestly

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"I still refuse to believe that you popped out two babies in two years honestly." He said as I got dressed. "Well believe it babe." I said with a smile. "I don't know how I got so lucky with you." He said as we walked down to the beach. 

The sun was shining and I was happy enjoying time with my husband. The beach was the both of our happy places and it was great to spend alone time with him. We spent most of the day just laying out and in the water as well. 

"I know that you love this, but we have to go back to the room and get ready for dinner." Christian said as he stood up. "Well good thing we're here for another five days." I said and he laughed. 

We grabbed our things and headed back to our room. "How about another repeat of this morning, just in the shower?" Christian asked coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing down my neck. 

"I think I would very much like that, husband." I said turning around and putting my arms around his neck and kissing him. This was very much like our honeymoon, except I didn't get overwhelmingly sick this time. 

He brought us into the bathroom and then turned on the shower. Once we were back in the shower, he wasted no time lifting me up and pushing me against the wall. I let my fingers run through his wet hair and he moaned. 

"Much like this morning, I'm so eager to fuck you baby." He said and I smirked as he slid inside of me and I leaned my head against the wall and he took that opportunity to kiss my neck and leave some marks. 

He was thrusting in and out of me and I was a moaning mess. "Kristen fuck, you feel so good." He said and I knew he was close. "Go on baby, let go for me." I said and I felt him twitch and release inside of me, which made me hit my own high as well. 

"You and your ways, you're always going to be the death of me." He said setting me down on the floor now and getting washed up now. "Me? Talk about you. In all my life, you're the only person who has made me finish from just sex, it's all you baby." I said and he smiled down at me. 

We finished getting washed up and both got out and dried off and started to get ready for the night. 

"You're perfect

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"You're perfect." He said as we were now on the beach enjoying the sunset. "Did you ever think we would get this far?" I asked. "Honestly? Yeah, I knew from the moment I met you that I wanted you forever." He said. 

"How did you know I was the one?" I asked. "I don't know, I'm not sure if it was the way that you carried yourself around the guys when you first met them, or if it was the way that we would just cuddle on the couch and be close to each other. Or maybe it was how you always pushed me to be a better man. You have also pushed me to be a better father for the kids. You made my dreams come true about finding a woman as amazing as you to deal with all the bullshit that being a baseball player is, it's not easy and you handled it like a champ. You handled all the moving that we've done well, I just can't even express to you how you are the one, it's just so much stuff." 

I wiped a couple of tears from my eyes, he was the sweetest to me and honestly, that's the reason why he was the one for me. "Why was I the one for you?" He asked. "Literally all you just said to me, that's why. You've never once talked bad to me, never once made me doubt myself in my body or relationship with you. You're a great life partner for me, you always push me to be better, in the same way I do to you. I'm a better person because I met you honestly. You saved me from drowning in a relationship that I didn't think I needed saving from, but I did and you saved me and I can never repay you for everything you've done for me since we've met." 

"I love you with all my heart Kristen, I mean that. From now until we die and then again when we meet in the afterlife if that's something that is even real, I choose you today, tomorrow and forever." He said and I kissed him. 

I loved him for who he was, not this some big baseball start, that's where I am today. I fall more in love with him everyday. 

Kiss The Girl ~ Christian YelichHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin