Forty Two

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"Babe, we have a problem." I said waddling into the bedroom after taking a shower. "What are you in labor?" He asked getting up off the bed. "No, it's too early for that." I said and he sat back down. "Then what is the issue?" He asked. 

"One, I can't see my toes. Two, my mom just texted me and told me that Matthew is out of jail." I said and his eyes went wide. "Wait, how is he out of jail?" He asked. "I don't know, maybe he's on parole or something, I just don't want him coming out here and trying to get to us." I said. 

"I don't think he would do that babe." He said. "I don't know, I just have this underlying feeling that he will." I said. "Well, let's not think about that babe, we have a fun day ahead of us going to Disneyland with Jasper for the first time, so finish getting ready so we can take Mac to my moms house." He said getting up and kissing me on the forehead. 

I just can't get over the fact that it's only been three years since he's been in prison and he was sentenced to twenty, something must have happened for him to get out that early. I went back into the bathroom and dried my hair and got dressed for the day. 

"Mommy, we go to Disneyland?" Jasper asked as I walked downstairs. "Yes buddy, just you me and daddy are going to hang out today, does that sound fun?" I asked and he smiled and ran up to me and gave me a hug. 

"You forgot baby sister too, she hang out with us today." He said touching my stomach. "Oh yes, how could I forget her!" I said with a laugh. "She have name?" He asked as we were now in the car. "Who, your baby sister in mommies tummy?" Christian asked and he nodded. 

"No, she doesn't have a name yet buddy, mommy and daddy keep thinking. Do you have a name in mind?" I asked. "Uh, Sky?" He said and I thought about it, it was a cute name, but I don't think that's for us. 

"That's a good suggestion buddy, me and mommy will think about it okay?" Christian said as we pulled into his moms driveway. "You're glowing Kristen." Alecia said as we walked into the house. "I feel huge and I'm only 25 weeks, I can't believe we're already over halfway to meeting baby girl." I said rubbing my hands over my stomach. 

"I know, I can't believe I'm getting two more granddaughters this year, it's incredible and a wedding as well, that's crazy!" She said. "Have Collin and Sarah picked a date yet?" I asked. "November 2nd. It's going to be here in Malibu on the beach, Sarah is into beachy weddings." She said.

"She has always wanted a beach wedding, since we were kids, that's been her dream." I said. "Well, you three, or four I should say have a wonderful day and send me lots of pictures." She said giving us a hug.

"Will do, thanks again for watching Mac mom, we really appreciate it." Christian said. "It's no problem, I love spending time one on one with all my grandkids, I've been looking forward to this day since you were born." She said. 

"I love your mom, we should do something for her." I said as we were now in the car. "Like what?" He asked. "I don't know, does she really need anything at the moment, like a car or something big like that?" I asked. 

"I mean she could use a new car since she's having more and more grandkids, if she's going to watch them, she might have to cart them around, so a car could be doable." He said. "So then we are going to spoil her with a new car. She deserves it." I said and he turned to me and smiled. 

"Yeah she certainly does." He said and we continued the long drive to Anaheim to Disneyland. It took us about an hour to get there, there was not a lot of traffic which was great. "Alright buddy we're here are you ready to have the best day ever?" I asked as I got him out of the car.

"Yes mommy! I can't wait to see Mickey Mouse." He said and I smiled, it was great to see him so happy and ready for the day. "I think he's really going to enjoy this one on one time with us." I said as we walked into the park. 

"Yeah it's great for the two of us as well, we're going to have to do this with Mac and baby girl as well one day." He said. I think it's important to have one on one time with your kids as they get older especially when you have more than one kid. 

"Mommy daddy look the castle!" He said as we turned the corner and his smile was just as big as his face. "Let's go take some pictures okay?" I asked and he nodded and we went up closer to the castle to get some pictures. 

kristenyelich: Disneyland with my little man, don't let that face fool you, he's super happy! 

We walked around the rest of the day doing whatever Jasper wanted to do, which was eat, ride some rides and meet the characters

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We walked around the rest of the day doing whatever Jasper wanted to do, which was eat, ride some rides and meet the characters. He was exhausted by the end of the day, so when we got back to the car and put him in his seat, he was passed out. 

"I think someone had a good day." Christian said looking in the back seat. "I had a good day too, it was awesome seeing how happy he was." I said. "When do we want to go look at cars?" He asked as we were now driving home. 

"I don't know, I think we are going to need bigger cars as well, so we should think about getting another one as well, maybe and escalade, or suburban?" I suggested. We have a jeep right now, along with my range rover and his truck. 

"How are we going to fit all these cars somewhere?" He asked with a laugh. "Well we are building a house right now, so we will have plenty of room and then we will have my moms car as well. There is going to be plenty of room for all of our cars." I said. 

"I have to go out to Milwaukee in July, they are hosting the all star game and they want me to be there, are you okay with that?" He asked. "More than okay, I just don't want to travel with the baby and preparing for Mac's first birthday. You can take Jasper if you want to, I'm sure he would love to go back out and see the guys." I said and he smiled. 

"I think that is something I could do. I think Jasper would love it. Also another note on Jasper, are we sending him to Preschool next year?" He asked. "Like a half day preschool?" I asked. "Yeah, just because he's going to be three, we want to make sure he's acclimated to a routine in going to school before just shoving him in there for eight hours a day." He said. 

"I mean we could, especially with baby girl and Mac, half day preschool wouldn't be bad. Then he would go to full day preschool the next year and then kindergarten, god I don't even want to think about that." I said and he laughed. 

"I'm glad we are on the same page." He said as we pulled into our driveway. "I thought we had to pick up Mac?" I asked getting out of the car. "Love, you have the worst pregnancy brain, mom said she would keep Mac overnight for us so she doesn't get out of her bedtime routine." He said grabbing Jasper out of the car. 

"Oh yeah, you're right. Yep, I have the worst pregnancy brain." I said as we walked into the house. "That's alright, I still love you anyway." 

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