Forty One

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It was gender reveal day and I couldn't wait to find out what we're having and what Cam and Kayla were having as well. "Honey, are you ready to go to my moms?" Christian asked coming into the bedroom. 

"Yeah babe, just finishing getting dressed and then I'll be good to go." I said. "Alright, I'll get the kids things all packed up and into the car." He said before leaving the bedroom. It feels super weird to not be in Milwaukee right now for baseball, but being here at home in California is great. 

Our offer got accepted on the land about three weeks ago and they just broke ground this week

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Our offer got accepted on the land about three weeks ago and they just broke ground this week. "Mommy, we drive to see house?" Jasper asked as we were now in the car. "Yeah buddy we can, there probably isn't much there to see." I said. 

Christian drove past the house and they had actually started laying the foundation. "Daddy, we live there soon?" Jasper asked, he was so curious all the time "Yeah buddy, hopefully by the end of the year we should be living there." He said. "Nana too?" He asked. 

"Yeah buddy, nana too. We get to ask her that today, are you excited?" I asked. "Yep!" He said and Mac clapped her hands too. "You wanna see nana baby girl are you excited?" I said and she giggled and clapped her hands again. 

I can't believe she was going to be one in a few short months, it's crazy. "Alright guys, let's go see grandma and find out what baby is!" Christian said as we pulled up to his moms house. "Mom, it's so good to see you again!" I said as my mom came out to help us. 

"It's been so long I know." She said giving me a hug. "Nana!" Jasper said running over to her as he got out of the car. "Jasper boy, you're so big!" She said as she picked him up. "Mommy, I ask nana?" Jasper asked. "Yeah you can ask her." 

"Nana you live with us?" Jasper asked. "What does he mean dear?" She asked me. "We are building a house down the street from our current house and I know you want to be near the grandkids more than ever right now, so Jasper is asking when the new house is built if you wanted to come and live with us?" I said. 

She smiled and tears started to form in her eyes. "Of course I would! I want nothing more than to move out here with you guys." She said giving me a hug. "When do you think the house will be ready?" She asked as we were now walking inside. 

"Probably not until the end of the year beginning of the new year. We are going to have your own little portion of the house, downstairs away from all the chaos." I said. "Honey, that would be wonderful, I can't wait now." She said and I laughed. 

"Jasper and Mac love their nana and would love to see them more often that's for sure." I said. The party went on and Christian came up to me and told me it was time to do the reveal. Cam and Kayla would be going first since this is their first child. 

They had confetti poppers and we gave them a countdown from 10 and then they popped and it was a GIRL. Oh Alecia is going to have so much fun with now three granddaughters to spoil. "Oh  my girls, poor Jasper is outnumbered." I said and everyone around me laughed. 

Christian and I were handed our smoke bombs and Alecia lit them and we held them above our head and looked up and saw pink as well! "Oh my god, I can't right now, poor Jasper and all these girls!" I said. "Poor Jasper, what about me!" Christian said and I laughed. 

I can't believe three new Yelich girls will have joined the family the end of this year, this is honestly amazing. First Alecia was surrounded by boys, and now she's surrounded by all these girls. 

"I can't believe we're having another girl." Christian said as we were now home laying in bed, looking over some things for the new house. "I know it's crazy, I for sure thought we were going to have a boy." I said. 

"Four baby girls within a year, that's insane." He said. "Your mom is in her glory honestly." I said with a laugh. "Oh yeah she is that's for sure. She told me today that she would take Mac for a day so we could take Jasper to Disneyland if we wanted, she wanted some more one on one time with Mac." He said. 

"I think that's a brilliant idea, I think Jasper will love Disneyland." I said. "How did your mom react when Jasper asked her to live with us?" He asked. "She loved the idea, she's so happy, she can't wait to get out here." I said. 

"Did she like the idea of getting her own space downstairs?" He asked. "Yeah, I think we should let her pick out everything for her room, like the color, the flooring and everything for her bathroom as well and make it her own." I said. 

"I like that idea. I think having her out here is going to be good for her, especially since your dad died." He said. "Yeah, I know that she still works and whatnot, but I think it's time for her to retire and do something else with her life than stay out in CT, I know it helped me getting out of there." I said. 

"It was for the better for you, you've turned my world upside down, in a good way of course." He said leaning over and kissing my cheek. "I love you Christian, thank you for everything." 

Kiss The Girl ~ Christian Yelichحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن