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The rest of the season came and went, as well as the post season. The Brewers ended up losing to the Braves in the NLDS and the guys were upset, but I knew Christian was just happy to be going back home to California. 

I am 29 weeks today which means only 11 more weeks until we get to meet our little boy. We had gotten back to California yesterday and it was great to have the sunshine and warmth instead of the cold. 

"Hey love, what are you doing out here?" Christian asks coming out to the deck where I was sitting enjoying a cup of hot chocolate and the sunshine. "Just taking it all in." I said as he sat next to me. 

"11 more weeks." He said. "I know, then our world is going to get turned upside down, in a good way of course." I said and he laughed. "Ya know it's been almost a year since you've been living out here and we've been dating." He said. 

"I can't believe that's its gone by that quick." I said. "I know, I feel like it was just yesterday we were shooting the movie and you had broken up with Matthew." He said. "Yeah and now he's in jail for a while and I couldn't be happier with you." 

"I love you Kristen, you don't truly know how much you have changed my life." He said leaning over and giving me the sweetest yet passionate kiss there is. "I really don't think you know how you changed my life either." I said after he pulled away. 

"Oh I know how I changed yours." He said. "Oh, how so? Do tell." I said turning to look at him. "When I first met you, you were very quiet and reserved. You really didn't tell me a lot of things when it came to your personal life. You were so invested in your phone all the time and trying to make things work with Matthew and figure out a life for yourself. Now, you've just evolved into this woman who doesn't take shit from anyone and knows what she wants in life." 

I went to open my mouth but then he started talking again. "When you told me you were pregnant, I didn't know what to think. I was scared, I wasn't ready to be a dad, but I knew you were ready to be a mom. I knew that you and only you were the person to carry our child. I didn't know how much I needed you until you were there for me through all the ups and downs I had this season and then when Matthew came and he had you in his arms I couldn't even stand to think about a life without you. You have made me such a better man Kristen and I don't know how I could even begin to thank you for all you've done for me." 

I was wiping my tears. "I didn't know we were going to get all sappy this morning." I said and he laughed. "I love you too Christian, I can't thank you enough for getting me out of my life back home in Connecticut. This has just been so surreal and something out of a movie. I want nothing but the best for you in life and I know you're going to be such a great dad to our boy." I said getting and going to sit with him in the chair. 

"What are we doing today anyway? Last off season we did a lot of running around, but now we have a baby to get ready for." I said. "Well Ryan and Larisa wanted to hang out, I was thinking they could come over with the kids for dinner?" He asked. 

"I don't feel like cooking, could you call your mom and ask her to come over too? Maybe invite Cam and Collin too? Make it a fun night? Oh maybe game night!" I said. "Honestly, that's a great idea. I'll call Ryan and see if that's good with him and then I'll call mom too." He said giving me a kiss. 

"I love you, don't you ever forget it." Christian said. "I don't think I ever will with how many times a day you tell me." I said with a laugh getting off of his lap and letting him get up, but he didn't. I gave him an odd look before he kissed my stomach. 

"Don't you forget either how much I love you too." He said and the baby kicked and I smiled. "He said he loves you too." I said and he laughed. "Alright let's get inside and call everyone we need to." He said and I followed him into the house. 

My phone was going off on the counter and I answered it and got a recording from a jail. "You have an incoming call from Hartford County Jail, please press 1 to answer." My breath caught in my throat and I stopped dead in my tracks. 

I put the phone on speaker and mouthed to Christian that it was Matthew and I hesitantly pressed 1. "Hello?" I asked. "Kristen? I was hoping you would answer." Matthew said sounding distraught. "How did you get my number and what do you want?" I asked. 

"I wanted to apologize to you." He said and I went silent and looked at Christian. "I know you probably don't want to hear it, but I know what I did was wrong and I don't know what happened to me. I became bipolar after we broke up and I needed you back at that point in my life. I am not sure what possessed me to come after you and almost kill you, but I need you to know that I'm sorry." He said. 

"What you did wasn't good Matthew, I understand that you went through something but coming to my house in Milwaukee wasn't a bold move. I can't forgive what you did because it messed me up mentally too. I was out of work for a long time and my relationship with Christian was strained because of you. I will take your apology into consideration, but at this time, I can't accept it or forgive you for that matter." 

"I know and I understand. I hope that when I get out we can have a civil conversation about this and hope to be friends again." He said. Was he nuts? "That is something Christian and I are going to have discuss when the time comes." I said. 

"Well thank you for hearing me out, I'll let you go." He said and then I hung up and put my head in my hands. "Why the hell is he doing this to me?" I said and Christian came over and wrapped me up in his arms. 

"I don't know, but it's funny how he had the balls to call you and apologize after all he put you through. At least he recognized what he did." Christian said. "I know that but honestly, why now? I wish he could have waited until after I had our baby. I don't want me stressing out to cause the baby stress as well." I said. 

"I know babe, he can't get out and he can't do anything to you anymore. Let's just take a deep breath and relax and have a good time tonight alright?" He said and I nodded. 

Why now?

Kiss The Girl ~ Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now