Forty Seven

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Today was Alexandra's first birthday party, along to find out what Sarah and Collin were having for baby number two. Jasper's third birthday was amazing, the dinos, as he calls them, we're the coolest things to him that day. 

Our house, well, it still isn't done yet, things have been backordered recently and it's taken a toll on getting some countertops and wood for the downstairs and some of the cabinets as well. Having everyone being under one household at this house is getting a little crowded especially with everyone getting bigger. 

"I want our house to be ready." I said to Christian as I was getting ready in the bathroom and he was in the shower. "I know babe, me too. I actually got word yesterday that the cabinets should be in this week, as well as the wood. But the countertops, we don't know about yet." 

"Well that's some good news. Now the kitchen will look more like a kitchen with the cabinets up." I said. "I know, now I just want the countertops in and then we can move in. Our master bedroom is done and has furniture, the kids rooms are done, the living room is done, our workout room and then all that's left is the kitchen and flooring for your moms space needs to get done." He said as he got out of the shower. 

His phone started ringing out in the bedroom and he went to answer it as I went into the closet to get ready for the party today. "BABE!" He yelled from the bedroom. "What's up?" I said putting on my shirt walking out to him. 

"That was the contractor, the countertops have come in, and should be installed this week!" He said. "That's amazing news babe. Move in date?" I asked. "End of February, first week of March we can start moving things in." He said. 

"That's the best news I have gotten all day, we have to start packing everything up!" I said. "You two look cheery, what's going on?" My mom asked as we both came downstairs. "We are officially moving at the end of this month or the first week of March. Christian got a call this morning and the countertops are in and being installed this week!" I said and she smiled. 

"That's amazing news! As much as I like sharing a room with Jasper, I can't wait to have my own space!" She said and I laughed. "I know mom, thank you for being so understanding with having to share a room with him, I know it hasn't been easy." I said giving her a hug. 

"It's no big deal, things get setbacks all the time, so I understand. I just can't wait." She said. "Alright gang, we're going to be late to Miss Alexandra's birthday party if we don't get going." Christian said picking up Emma from her mat on the floor where she was going some tummy time. 

We all gathered in the car and then headed off to Sarah and Collin's house. "Girl, you look like you're 25 weeks pregnant already, are you sure it's not twins?" I said as I hugged Sarah. "No it's not, they are for sure it's just one. They are just growing big I guess." She said putting her hands on her stomach. 

"I showed so soon with Mackenzie, it doesn't get better either. I was huge with Emma and she was a little peanut." I said. "I just want to know if it's a he or a she, Collin and I both want a boy." She said. 

"I think everyone wants you to have a boy." I said. I mingled with everyone at the part which was just the families and some of Collin's close friends, it was time to do the reveal before we did presents and cakes. 

"Alright, let's all pray it's a boy, we need another boy in this family." Collin said as he got ready to hit the breakable golf ball for the gender reveal. We counted down for 5 and he swung and there was blue powder everywhere. 

We all went a little crazy. "Finally, Jasper you're finally getting a boy cousin!" I said picking him up. "YAY! I can share all my dinos with him!" Jasper said and I laughed. "Any names yet?" I asked as we were now enjoying the desserts. 

"Oh yes, we've had a name picked out for both since I found out, Jaden Miles Yelich." She said. "I love that, can't wait to meet my little nephew Jaden." I said and she smiled. "Next big family thing will be Kayla and Cam's wedding, are we ready for that?" I asked. 

"I can't wait to finally be a Yelich. This is going to be amazing." Kayla said. "Any more babies for you two?" I asked. "Yes, going to try on our honeymoon." She said. "Where are you guys going?" Sarah asked. "Dominican Republic and then stopping in Tulum for a weekend and then coming home." She said. 

"You're going to be tanner than all of us now." I said and she laughed. "What about you and Christian? Any more kids on the horizon?" Kayla asked. "I don't know, with the house and everything, Christian and I have talked about having one more, we just don't know when it will happen, or if it even will. If it does happen, I won't be mad about it and if it doesn't I won't be mad and be happy with the way our family is now." I said. 

"Speaking of the house, when are you moving?" Alecia said as she sat down with us. "Soon, end of the month, beginning of March. The contractor called Christian this morning and said the countertops have come in along with everything else and should be getting installed this week." I said. 

"That's great news, I love having you girls in my life and in the boys life as well. It makes me happy knowing that they found great women in you three to begin their lives with." She said. "It makes me happy knowing you raised great sons as well, Christian is a dream with the kids and to me, I couldn't ask for a better man for myself and the kids." I said to her. 

"I agree with Kristen, Collin is nothing short of amazing to me, Alexandra and now Jaden, I can't wait to see him be a dad to a little boy." Sarah said. "If he's anything like Christian is to Jasper, he'll be amazing. Christian is already teaching him baseball skills." I said. 

"Collin will be teaching Jaden golf from what he's told me." Sarah said. "Cam definitely looks up to Christian and Collin with being a dad and he's amazing with Taylor. I can't wait to finally be married to him and be his wife." Kayla said. 

"Let's all just agree that Alecia raised three amazing sons and we are so lucky and blessed to have them all in our lives."

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