Twenty Three

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A little over a month ago I was in the hospital giving birth,  and here I am back in Arizona for spring training with my now fiancé and baby boy. Jasper, he is the sweetest baby I think I've ever met. 

He's so calm and rarely ever cries, Christian and I were super blessed. Today was just a relaxing day before Christian had to be at workouts and I was soaking up every second of it just being the three of us. 

"So what do you think about getting married in Cali?" He asked as we were browsing through venues together. "I mean I just think about all the family in CT, but I feel like they would be able to get out there." I said. 

"I am just thinking about getting married to you on a beach or something." He said and I smiled. "I was thinking more of a vineyard rustic feel up in Napa." I said. "Oh I like the way that you think love." He said kissing my temple as the baby monitor went of signaling that Jasper was awake from his morning nap. 

"I got him love." Christian said getting up and going to get him. "There's momma's boy." I said as Christian handed him over to me. "It's feeding time." Christian said, our routine is that I feed and he burps and changes diaper after feeding since he can't help with the feeding as I am breast feeding. 

"Watching you feed our child is something that I can't get out of my head." He said and I laughed. "Why? Breast feeding is something completely natural." I said. "But to me, it's amazing. You're feeding our child with your own body. A lot of men take women for granted, but they don't see this shit day in and day out like I do. You're a superwoman." He said. 

"I love you so much C. Thank you." I said and he leaned over and gave me a kiss. "Now back to planning, when do you want to get married?" I asked. "I don't want to wait that much longer, January?" He suggested. 

"Perfect, this little man will be one and then maybe we could try for baby number 2 on the honeymoon." I said with a laugh. "Already thinking about that huh?" He asked. "Of course, when Jasper has a hot dad like yourself, it's kind of hard not to think about it." I said with a laugh as I handed Jasper over to him to burp. 

Christian's phone started to ring and he answered and put it on speaker. "Cody, my man, what's going on?" He said. "Not much, just hanging out before the season starts, what about you, how's dad life?" Cody said on the other line. 

"Probably the best thing that's ever happened to me." He said and I smiled. "Dude, that's awesome. I can't wait for that feeling, that's the thing I'm calling you about, Chase is pregnant." He said. 

"Awe yay Cody! I'm so happy for you guys, now have a girl so Jasper can have a little girlfriend." I said. "Hey hey, if I have a daughter she will be in no way dating any form of guy." He said and I laughed. 

"Also congrats on the engagement! When's the wedding?" He asked. "Probably January, we were actually going through all of that right now." Christian said. "Well, I just wanted to tell you guys the good news, I'll let you get back to doing whatever it is you were doing." 

"Alright man, we'll see you soon." Christian said as he hung up. "I can't wait to see him as a dad, it's going to be great." I said closing the laptop. "So, January 14th?" I asked and he smiled and nodded. 

"January 14th it is. Who did you plan on having in the wedding?" He asked. "Sarah, as my maid of honor, Larisa, Chase, and Alissa. You?" I asked. "Cody, Cam, Colin and Ryan of course." He said. "Yeah we can't forget about him, he will be butt hurt if we do." I said. 

"Do you still think about your life before the movie sometimes?" He asked as we were now downstairs in the kitchen eating dinner. I shrugged my shoulders. "I mean yes and no, sometimes I think about what it would be like if Matthew didn't break up with me. Would I be pregnant with his child, or would we be engaged and I would have had a baby already? I come up with all of these what if scenarios from time to time. Or I could have been dead and you would have found some other girl to love and get married to." 

"But, I'm here, I'm with you and Jasper and we live an amazing life and I would want it any other way. You changed my life for the better C, I can't thank you enough for sending me that DM my way." 

"I'm not really sure what possessed me to find you, but I did. I don't even remember how I found your profile. I think I just scrolled through my followers and landed on you by fate. It was a long shot after looking through your profile, but I am so glad I got you out of your comfort zone and out of that super toxic relationship." 

"Okay it wasn't that toxic." I said and rolled my eyes. "Babe, he tried to kill you, he was a toxic human being and you can't change my mind." He said and I smiled. "I'm here and that's all that should matter." I said. 

"Here, dance with me." He said playing Kiss the Girl by Brent Morgan, a very good take on the classic song from the Little Mermaid. "I love you more than words could imagine and I can't wait to make you my wife." He said leaning down to kiss me. 

"Don't get handsy, I am still not cleared for sex." I said and he smirked. "I know I know, you know how to ruin a nice moment you know that?" He said and I laughed. "This should be our wedding song." I said. 

"Go on and kiss the girl." Christian sang as he leaned down and kissed me again. "Yeah definitely a good wedding song and it's ours." 

Kiss The Girl ~ Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now