Fifty - Epilogue

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Well, today is the day that the Brewer's are finally retiring Christian's number, only took them a few years, but we are all back out in Milwaukee for the retirement ceremony. 

Let me give you a little life update: Our fourth child, Tyler Lawson, yes we had a boy, was born on May 10th, 2026. For Cam and Kayla, Sage Diana was born on March 4th 2026.

Collin and Sarah are the only ones to have a child in 2027 and that being their second boy, Clayton Anderson and he was born on March 8th. 

2028 came Roman Xavier from Cam and Kayla, their first boy being born on June 10th, almost their anniversary. 

2030 came the last babies that were going to be born into the Yelich clan. Tucker Cameron rounded out Cam and Kayla's family on May 24th and then Laura Grace rounded out Collin and Sarah's family on November 8th. 

It's now 2035 and the kids ages are: Jasper 13, Mackenzie 12, Alexandra, Emma and Taylor 11, Jaden 10, Sage and Tyler 9, Clayton 8, Roman 7 and Tucker and Laura 5. 

Jasper is well into baseball just like his father and will be starting high school this fall. Mackenzie, she's into dance and is very good at it, she's actually doing ballroom and going to competitions all the time. Emma is into soccer and Tyler is going to be just like Jasper and play baseball probably for his entire life. 

Alexandra is just like Mackenzie and into dance, just hip-hop, Jaden is really into golfing, Clayton has started baseball like Jasper and Tyler(he looks up to Jasper so much) and Laura, they have started her in gymnastics. 

Taylor is into swimming competitively, Sage is getting into cheerleading, Roman is getting into soccer and Tucker they have started him in t-ball. 

All the kids have their own personalities, it's the most amazing, and exhausting, time in all of their lives. 

Christian and I have been together for 12 years, Sarah and Collin are 11 years in and Cam and Kayla have hit their 10 year mark. 

"I can't believe they're retiring his number." Alecia said as we were on our way to the stadium. "I know it's long overdue honestly." I said. "Mom are we there yet?" Emma asked. "Almost, are you ready to see all the uncles today?" I asked. 

"Yes! Is Uncle Ryan and Aunt Lari going to be there?" She asked. "They should be! I think they also have Celine, Greyson and Carter too." I said and all the kids got excited. "What about Uncle Cam and Uncle Colin?" Jasper asked. "They should be there, I'm not sure about all the kids though." I said as we pulled into the parking lot. 

"Alex said that she's here and so is Taylor." Mac said, they are in a group chat and are the three best friends that anyone could have, they're so close it's great to see. "Hey guys." Christian said as we walked through the tunnels and all the kids went running up to him. 

"It's so great that you guys are all here." Christian said as he gave me a kiss. "This is something that we wouldn't miss for the world babe." I said and we walked through the tunnels one last time as a family. 

"Do you miss it?" I asked him before going out onto the field. "A little bit, but there's nothing that I would miss more than missing out on all the kids games and whatnot. I love being with them and coaching Jasper and Tyler through baseball." He said. 

"Do you think this will be Jasper one day?" I asked. "I think so, he's super good at baseball, he works hard and is a great outfielder, just like his dad." He said and I couldn't help but smile. Christian was announced on the field and he went first as we all followed him. 

"Christian you come with quite the entourage." Mark said and we all laughed. "Christian is an amazing guy, and an amazing baseball player as well. Retiring his number was never something that we thought twice about, 22 will forever be yours here in Milwaukee and we couldn't be more proud to have watched you grow up into the guy and player you have become today. You're an amazing dad as well and watching the relationship between you and Kristen was something I was proud to be apart of. You guys will forever have a home in Milwaukee, so now, it's time for you to say a few words." Mark said and the stadium erupted in cheers as Christian walked up to the podium. 

"Brewer Nation, I have missed you guys. It's great to be back here and have my number retired, I wish I was still playing, but injuries wouldn't allow that. I can't say thank you enough to the Brewer's organization for giving me a chance in 2018, I think that's what really jumpstarted my career. I had a good run and I would give anything to still be playing with these group of guys right now. I can't thank Craig enough for believing in me throughout everything, the ups and the downs, you have been one of the best coaches I've ever had and you'll forever be a part of my life. To my mom, thank you for bribing me with the $5 to go to baseball that one day, I don't think I would be here today if it wasn't for you. Lastly, to my beautiful wife, Kristen. I honestly don't know what I would do without you, you were, and still are, there for me through every important milestone in my life, when I told you I wanted to retire the first time, you were doubtful at first, you still wanted me to play, you believed in me. Then, you realized during the off season that I was better off at home with you and the kids and then you supported the decision wholeheartedly. I know that you still wanted me to play, but you told me 'whatever you want to do and whatever makes you happy, I will always be there to support you, no matter what choices you make.' I love you Kristen, thank you for always being there for me when I need you the most. The fans, you guys are awesome and always give me and my family the warmest welcome when we come back. I'll never forget you guys and the Brewer's for an unforgettable time here in  Milwaukee, thank you!" 

And with that, his career as a baseball player is officially over. 

*Thank you guys so much for everything! It's been a long time coming with this story, but I'm glad it's all done. I have a Whit Merrifield story in the works, let me know if you guys would like me to publish that! Love you guys! ~Kristen*

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