Twenty Seven

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Life has been pretty hectic since my dad died. Christian was off until the series against the Red Sox since we were so close to Boston, he only missed two series and the guys were still winning without him. 

We were now at the end of September and the guys have already clinched a spot in the playoffs and the NL Central title. Today is our last off day until the end of the season. We were going off and having my final fitting before shipping the dress off to California to Alecia's house and then getting the bridesmaid dresses as well as Celine's dress as the flower girl. 

"Hey beautiful. How'd you sleep?" Christian asked as he saw me awake after he came out of the bathroom. "Good, I always sleep good when you're next to me." I said and he smiled and leaned down and kissed me. "You ready to get your dress back on today?" He asked as I was now going into the bathroom. 

"Ugh yes, I need to see it again. I also can't wait to get the girls dresses. You guys also have to get fitted into your tuxes and we need to get Jasper's as well." I said as I was getting the shower on. "Yes, we have an appointment for that as soon as we get back to California." He said. 

"Good, everything is going according to plan then." I said as I hopped into the shower and quickly got out as quickly as I got in, I didn't need to take a long shower today. I got a little lightheaded as I got out of the shower, which made me get my balance straight for a second. 

"Are you alright babe?" Christian asked as he saw me holding on to the counter. "Yeah, just got a little lightheaded, probably because I haven't eaten yet." I said. "Alright, well I go make you a breakfast sandwich, what kind of bread do you want it on?" He asked. 

"Asiago bagel please, also I would like some juice with it please?" I asked and he nodded and kissed my forehead and went on my way. I hadn't felt this lightheaded in the morning since I was lightheaded when I was pregnant with Jasper. 

And then it hit me, I was freaking pregnant. At least I think I am. I closed the door and locked it and I got out the pregnancy tests I had kept under the sink and took one just to be safe. When I finished, I knew I wasn't pregnant, I had just gotten my period. 

I was a little relieved and sad at the time. "Babe, your food is ready, you good?" Christian asked as he knocked on the door. "Yep all set!" I said looking at the test and seeing not pregnant made me smile. 

I opened the door and he saw the tests. "Are you?" He asked and I shook my head no. "I thought I was when I got lightheaded because that used to happed with Jasper, but I just got my period." I said. "Are you sad?" He asked as we both walked down to the kitchen to eat. 

"Kind of, but not really so I can enjoy our wedding and drink and not have to worry about me not fitting into my dress." I said while I took a bite of my sandwich. "Do you want another baby?" Christian asked. 

"Right now, no I do not. Future, yes I absolutely want another baby with you." I said. "When do you want to start trying for another one? Because I want another one as well." He asked. "I mean I don't know, I kind of want all my kids close together in age as I am 26 about to be 27 in November. So I think we could start trying after the wedding, starting on our honeymoon?" I said. 

"That sound perfect to me love, whenever you are ready, I'm ready too. I love Jasper and would easily want to give him another brother or even a sister." He said. "I want a girl, I would love to see you as a girl dad." I said. 

"Oh god, I don't even know what I would do if we had a girl. I couldn't even imagine how protective I would be over her." Christian said and I laughed. "You with a baby girl would be the cutest thing ever, now I'm really sad that I'm not pregnant." I said and frowned. 

"It's alright love, we've got plenty of time. I promise you that. Let's just give Jasper a little more time as an only child before making his world go nuts with a sibling." He said. "I honestly don't know what I did to deserve you honestly. I love you beyond words." I said and he smiled. 

"I hit the jackpot that's for sure. But you need to finish eating and get ready, you have a dress to go try on." He said as he looked at the time. He was right, I ate the rest of my sandwich quickly and then went upstairs to get ready and then head over to the dress shop. 

"Alright ladies, let's get these dresses!" I said. We were going with a blue theme with Navy and Dusty blue with a touch of sage green and it looks so amazing together. After the girls got their dresses, it was time to try mine on. 

"It looks even better than before." I said as I looked myself over. "This is your last fitting here in Milwaukee and then we are having it shipped out to our store in LA and you'll go to your final fitting there." The consultant said. 

"I can't wait to become Mrs. Yelich, finally." 

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