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Hawaii was amazing and so relaxing, I wish I could go back right now. I won't be able to go this offseason with it being so close to my due date. But next off season, we're definitely going back. The rest of July went by quick and now we're in August and ready to find out what baby Yelich is going to be. 

Alecia was at the house getting the part ready for us as we were having our Gender Reveal party today. My mom was able to get a long weekend off and she flew in last night with my dad as well. I couldn't have them miss this, it's their first grandchild too. 

The whole doctors appointment was quick, I was able to have my mom come too and she was the one that was taking the gender to the store to get the appropriate colors for the reveal tonight. 

"So, what do you think little bean is?" Christian asked as we were at the package store getting the alcohol for the party tonight, I'm very sad that I can't drink, but it's all worth it. "Mother's intuition? Boy." I said and he smiled. 

"That's what I like to hear. Even if it's a girl, I will still be super excited, I would be a proud girl dad that's for sure." He said as we were checking out. "Well I would hope you would still be excited." I said with a laugh. 

We got everything in the car and got back to the house and brough everything to the backyard. I went into the house and the house smelled amazing. "Dad, Alecia this house smells amazing." I said hugging them both. 

"Anything for you and my grandbaby. I've made all of your favorites and then some. Your dad is going to grill some burgers later and everyone should be here, well shortly." She said looking at the time. 

I let her plan everything because well, I really didn't feel like planning anything. "Go on and get ready the two of you, we got this." Alecia said shooing us up the stairs, I laughed and nodded going up to our room and getting ready. 

"You two are the cutest things ever

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"You two are the cutest things ever. I can't wait to see what the baby looks like." Alecia said as we both came downstairs. She's the sweetest, anyone would be lucky to have her as a mother, or mother in law for that matter. 

Soon enough, the house started filling up with people. Sarah came out, Cameron and Collin were out here, Ryan and Larisa and the kids came, most of the guys from the team, Couns and his wife were here. The Brewer's were one big family and I couldn't be more thankful for them. 

As I was looking around the backyard, I saw that Collin and Sarah were sitting alone talking and they were very close, they were definitely flirting. "C, do you see what I see?" I asked pointing over to the two of them. 

He laughed. "Oh good, just what Collin needs, a girlfriend." He rolled his eyes. "I think they would be cute together." I said shrugging my shoulders. He took another look at the two of them. "I mean yeah, you are right they would be." He said with a laugh. 

We went on mingling with everyone that was at our house. "Oh look at you and your cute little bump!" Larisa said as we were talking now. "I know, it's crazy that there is a baby in there right now. They are doing flips and wouldn't sit still for the ultrasound this morning." 

"Uh oh future gymnast or soccer player." She said. "Soccer player? Lari are you crazy, Christian would want a baseball player not soccer player!" Ryan said as he butted into our conversation. "Well she said that he's kicking so I just referenced soccer player." She said and I laughed. "Right? I am hoping for soccer player or baseball player, whichever he prefers, mother's intuition says boy. Were you right with any of yours?" I asked her. "I was right with every single one, I also say you are having a boy, I haven't been wrong yet." She said with a laugh. 

I watched as her kids ran around our backyard and I couldn't wait until that was our baby running around with them as well. "Alright, Christian and Kristen, get your butts over here, I'm dying to reveal what this baby is, I can't keep this secret any longer." My mom said as she called us over to where she was standing. 

"Alright here are the confetti poppers, now everyone, let's give them a countdown." Everyone started from ten and I just looked at Christian and he gave me a quick kiss. Once everyone said one, Christian and I popped the poppers and it was.. BLUE. 

Mother's intuition is never wrong. I threw the confetti popper in the air and Christian picked me up and spun me around. "I can't believe we're having a boy. This is the greatest gift ever. I love you so much." He said. 

"I love you too Christian, now comes the hard part, picking out a name and a nursery theme." I said and he laughed. The party continued on and then around 8 everyone started to go home and the moms cleaned up the house. 

Christian and I were laying in bed and he was drawing random circles on my ever growing stomach. The baby kicked and Christian stopped dead in his tracks and sat up and looked at me. 

"Was that our boy?" He asked and I nodded. He started to draw the circles again and he started kicking again. "That is the coolest thing ever, what does it feel like?" He asked me. "Like butterflies honestly, unless he puts a kick to my ribs or bladder, then it isn't fun." I said with a laugh. 

"Hey little man, your mom and I can't wait to meet you. Now what do you think about being named after your dad, maybe be a junior? Kick me if you think that's a great idea." I couldn't help but laugh as the baby didn't kick him. 

"Good job buddy, mommy didn't want you to be a junior anyway." I said and looked at Christian. "Well it's was worth a shot." He said and he sat up and kissed me. "I love you and can't wait to welcome our baby boy into this world." 

"I love you too and I can't wait either."

Kiss The Girl ~ Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now