Forty Five

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Emma is a little over a month old now and we are so in love with her, Mac and Jasper are so invested in helping me out with her. Today though is all about Sarah and Collin, it's their wedding day. 

"Mommy, do I get to wear a suit today?" Jasper said coming into the bedroom where all the girls were getting ready, we were using our house for the day as our house was closest to the spot on the beach where they would be getting married. 

"Yes baby, you do get to wear a suit today, you're going to look so handsome!" I said and he smiled and all the girls laughed. "Mommy, you pretty." He said sitting on mine and Christian's bed. 

"Awe thank you buddy, that was so sweet of you. Daddy is teaching you well, you'll have all the girlfriends when you're older." I said and he scrunched up his face. "Ew, no girlfriends. They have cooties." He said and I laughed, so smart for an almost three year old. 

We continued to get ready and it was so great to have all the girls getting ready together, it felt like mine and Christians wedding day all over again. 

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"Sarah, you look amazing, that dress is perfect for you

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"Sarah, you look amazing, that dress is perfect for you." I said as she came out of the bathroom. "You think Collin will like it?" She asked. "I think Collin will love it." Kayla said coming up to the both of us. 

"Look at us Yelich girls, growing up and shit." I said and they both laughed. "Here's to hoping the next baby that is born into this clan is a boy." Kayla said. "Oh yeah for sure, Collin and I are trying on our honeymoon, none of us are getting younger, so more babies for us. God do I feel like the Duggar clan right now, we just keep popping out babies after each other." Sarah said and Kayla and I both laughed. 

"Yeah but the thing is, we all know when enough is enough." I said. "Are you sure? Collin said that you and Christian might try for another." Sarah said as we were now on our way to the ceremony. 

"I mean I wouldn't be opposed to having another, it just wouldn't be for awhile." I said. "Well enough about babies, let's get you married and finally my sister, like we've always dreamed of." I said as we got to the ceremony spot. 

"Thank you for everything Kristen, you're the best and I couldn't do any of this without you." She said giving me a hug. "Anything for you babe, let's get this thing started shall we." I said and she smiled and we all walked down the aisle, me being the Maid of Honor went last. I was paired up with Christian as he was the best man. 

"Hey ma, you look so stunning right now." He said and I smiled. "You look amazing in that tux, no wonder Jasper is so handsome." I said as we reached the altar and went to our separate sides. 

Sarah soon came down and I looked over at Collin and he was wiping away his tears, these Yelich men do know how to show their emotions. Once Sarah's dad gave her to Collin the officiant started the ceremony. 

"Sarah, you are up first with your vows." "Alright here goes nothing. Collin, you are my dream come true, you are my world, you are the joy in my heart, the laughter in my voice and the smile on my face. We compliment each other so beautifully and together we can face anything, we can be comforted in knowing that we will never face it alone. The first time we kissed I knew that we shared something special and it wasn't long after that I fell in love with you and realized that you are the one that I was meant to spend my life with, I could see it in your eyes. I could feel it in my heart. You are the most incredible man I have ever know and an even better father to our Alexandra. You make me feel amazing every single day, I am so excited, and completely elated to be standing here with you today. You are the love of  my life, my best friend, my soulmate, my everything and I promise to you that I will love you always, with my whole heart. I promise that I will always be there for you, in good times and bad, may we always laugh together like we do now, and may the stormy days we encounter and the trials we face only ever make us stronger. Together forever and always Collin, I love you." 

"Three years ago I could have never imagined I would be in the place right now. A place where I look into the eyes of my best friend and pledge to you my love. You are the sweetest most loving, caring and kind person I have ever known and I have no doubt that you make me a better man and father. You believe in me and have shown me how to love with unconditional acceptance and every day you reaffirm that you are my soulmate. Together we are an unbreakable pair, bound by our love. I'm not sure that a lifetime is long enough for me to return all that you have given me, but I promise to spend my days by your side. To inspire you, laugh with you, cherish you, confirm you, share your dreams and grow with you. I believe in what we are and I will always love you with every beat of my heart." 

"By the power vested in me, by the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife, Collin, you may kiss your bride." He said and they kissed each other and we all cheered. Christian and I followed them off the altar and then we all went off to take pictures on the beach before heading off to the reception space. 

"Do you ever want to renew your vows?" Christian asked as we were slow dancing. "Yeah one day, I would love to do that." I said. "I just want to see you in a dress again, I loved your wedding dress." He said and I laughed. 

"I know you did. But I won't get an extravagant one for a vow renewal. I was thinking we do it for our ten year anniversary and maybe destination wedding." I said. "Oh I like how you think babe." He said leaning down and kissing me. 

"This reminds me of our wedding day, except we didn't have to plan anything." I said with a laugh. "Go on and kiss the girl." He said with a smile and then leaned down and kissed me again. 

Kiss The Girl ~ Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now