Twenty Four

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March 31st, 2022, the cold and the snow, we are definitely back in Milwaukee for opening day against the Diamondbacks. I have a feeling that this team is going to go all the way this year and I couldn't wait to witness it. 

I got to bring Jasper to work every day with me as right now I'm just hanging out in my office and not on the field, when I do go on the field, Jasper goes right up to the WAGS suite and hangs out and gets passed around like a plate of food, odd choice of words I know, but that is the only thing I could think of. 

Since we were getting married in January, I have to start picking out my dress, so my mom and Alecia and Larisa are all out here to help me out with that after the game. "Hey beautiful, we have to leave soon." Christian said coming into the bathroom and leaning on the door frame. 

"I am almost done doing my makeup and then I will just have to get dressed. Is Jasper ready?" I asked putting down the mascara. "Yeah, I fed him, changed him and he's chilling in his bouncer, I put on some Mickey Mouse for him to watch, or listen to I should say." He said and I smiled. 

"You know, you lost all your baby weight really fast." He said coming up behind me and I smiled. "I mean I really didn't gain that much weight honestly, it helps that I was breast feeding too, now I'm just exclusively pumping, which is also good." I said going into the closet. 

"Why do you make everything you wear look amazing? Like I'm the luckiest guy on the planet

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"Why do you make everything you wear look amazing? Like I'm the luckiest guy on the planet." He said and I smiled. "I mean look at you, you shouldn't be talking, I'm really the lucky one." I said motioning to his outfit. 

"God, I want to fuck you so bad right now." He said coming up and kissing me. "Well, lucky for you that you can do that later when Jasper goes to bed and I find my wedding dress." I said as he pulled away from the kiss. 

"Oh that's right I forgot about that. God, I have wait even longer now, rude." He said as we walked out of our bedroom and downstairs to where Jasper was just chilling. I went over and picked him up, I can't believe that he is about to be three months old already, time is surely flying. 

We packed up all the things we needed for Jasper at the field and then went off to work. A lot of people can't say that they get to work with the fiancé every day, but it's a great feeling to know that I can. 

"There's that super cute little guy." Mark said coming into my office and picking Jasper up and holding him. "You know, I really can't thank you guys enough for letting me bring him to work every day." I said looking away from the computer. 

"It's really no big deal, he's the sweetest baby out there. Plus you and Christian are a fine addition to the team, we would do anything to keep the two of you around for the rest of both of your careers. How is he travelling?" He asked. 

"A dream honestly, he's travelled from California to Arizona and then from Arizona to here and on any of the flights he didn't make a peep. He just slept the whole time." I said smiling at the two of them. "Good cause he's always coming with us when we travel isn't that right Jasper?" He asked looking down at him. 

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