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It was a week after the premiere and the rumors of us haven't died down one bit. I have had to put all of my stuff on private and I have also turned off all my comments, it's just getting to be too much. 

"Hey what's up beautiful?" Christian asked coming out on the back deck where I was sitting watching the waves and warming up because I was so cold. I looked up at him and smiled and he leaned down and gave me a kiss. 

"I think we need to put it out there that we're dating. I am tired of all the rumors that are going around for us. I am getting so much hate that I don't know what to do with myself. I'm just a normal girl from a small state who is now known with one of the biggest stars in the MLB. If I had known I was going to get this much hate, I probably would have said no to the movie." 

He looked a little stunned when I said that last part and I sighed and stood up and went over to him and wrapped my arms around him and he did the same. "I don't regret doing the movie, don't think that for a second. I just wish things were different." I said looking up at him. 

He looked down at me and smiled and kissed me. "I know what you mean, trust me, it's not going to be easy and honestly, I don't know if it's going to get any better for you. But, you have me and all the other wives and girlfriends too, they're going to be there for you." He said. 

I nodded and turned around in his arms so my back was against his chest so we could watch the sunset and waves together. "So what happens now? Do you want to tell people about us?" I asked and I felt him sigh and kiss the top of my head. 

"I want to shout it from the rooftops that you're my girlfriend. But are your friends and family going to think that you moved on super fast?" He asked. "I think so, but I feel like if they know I'm truly happy, I don't think they will care that much." I said. 

"Then we should post about us. I am finally ready to start showing you off to the world. You're so perfect for me and I want everyone to see that." He said kissing my cheek. "Why are you the sweetest thing?" I asked and he laughed. 

"I've always been this way, I've just never had a girlfriend to show this side to. Not in a long time anyway." He said. "When was your last full on true relationship?" I asked. "When I was back in the minors, we dated for like a year and a half and then it got to be too much the travelling and whatnot. Then when I got up to the majors it was just girls who wanted to have sex and leave. Cleat chasers I like to call them. Or I would get a girlfriend and the schedule would just be too much for them. It's hard, I'm not going to lie." 

"I never understood the girls who have sex with one man and then leave, I could never do that. Sex isn't just meant to be thrown around, it's supposed to be with someone you love and you care about. I know it's going to be hard, but that doesn't mean it's not going to be worth it in the end." I said. "Speaking of, since we haven't had sex yet, are you afraid to or you're just waiting?" He asked. 

"If you are subtly asking if I am a virgin, the answer to that is no. You can't be with someone for 5 and a half years and not have sex, I feel like that isn't normal. I am just waiting till the time is right. Sometimes sex changes a relationship, I want to make sure the time is right for the both of us." I said. 

"You know, you guys should really keep your front door locked." I heard and Christian and I both jumped to the sound of his mother's voice from behind us. "Way to ruin a good moment mom." He said going over to her and giving her a hug. "Oh sorry guys, were you having an important conversation?" She asked as we were now going into the house. 

"Just talking about going public with each other and when we want to do it." I said sitting down at the counter as she was taking food out of a grocery bag, I guess she was cooking for us tonight. "Well I brought my camera, do you want to go down to the beach and take some pictures?" She asked and I looked at Christian and he smiled and nodded.

So off we went to the beach and got some really good ones, we are both going to use the same one to post that we are together and the others I am going to print off and hang somewhere. As Alecia was making us dinner, Christian and I though it would be a good time to post.

It's going to be out in the open now and there is no more hiding the two of us.

christianyelich: definitely not just friends anymore. super thankful for you

kristencochefski: rumors or not, it's always been you. 


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