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I can't believe that it's our last day of our Honeymoon in the Maldives and here I am sick as a dog. I've been throwing up nonstop since about 630 this morning and it gets worse and worse every time. 

Christian and I have been doing a lot of relaxing and of course having sex whenever we could as we know when we get home that is going to become increasingly rare because we'll go back to having Jasper. 

"Hey love, how are you feeling?" Christian said as he came back in the room with some ginger ale and some crackers for me. "A little better, I don't feel as nauseous now." I said smiling and taking the things from him. 

"Good, because I also got you these." He said handing me the pregnancy tests he got. "Are you sure?" I asked and I couldn't think then last time when I got my period, so he could be right. "I remember when you had Jasper, your morning sickness was there, but not this bad, so I thought why not give it a shot." He said and I shrugged my shoulders and took the tests and went into the bathroom. 

I peed on the stick and set a timer for three minutes. "Do you think you're pregnant?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "I could be, I don't know." I said and then the timer went off and we both went into the bathroom and looked at the test. 

Pregnant.  I smiled so wide and looked at Christian and he was looking down at me already with the biggest smile on his face. "We're going to parents again." He said and I nodded and kissed him. "Yeah we are." I said. 

I couldn't wait to get home to Jasper and to see my doctor and see how far along I am. This means one thing, baby will be born in baseball season this time. "You're thinking over there, I can tell, what are you thinking about?" He asked. 

"Baby born during baseball season this time." I said and he nodded and came over to me. "Yeah but close to the end of it, hopefully, depending on when the due date is." He said. "Also two kids under two, that scares me the most I think." I said. 

"I think you and I will do just fine. Jasper was an easy baby and I think he's going to be excited to be a big brother, though he might not know understand what it means yet." He said. "I'm happy, are you?" I asked looking up at him. 

"Beyond happy. I have a beautiful wife, beautiful son and another blessing on the way and a great family that I can't complain about either." He said and I smiled. "Do you think Collin will have the balls to ask out Sarah?" I asked and he laughed. 

"He told me he was asking her out this week." He said. "What and he didn't tell me? How rude." I said. "I want Cam and Collin to have girlfriends, I want some sisters for once." He said. "I mean I don't blame you, growing up as an only child sucked, which is why I was glad that Sarah came into my life and became my best friend and now she could be my actual sister, which is amazing." I said. 

"Wooooah don't rush marriage on them, that's for sure." He said and I laughed. "Okay okay, I won't do that." I said. We had moved to sitting in the pool soaking up the sun. "What are you gonna do after baseball?" I asked. 

"I honestly haven't thought about that. I'm 31 now so I know that my years are stating to become limited, but I wouldn't mind just taking a step back for awhile and just letting things roll with the family. Like Jasper hopefully will be in school and you'll be stationary and can't travel with the team any longer and that's when I feel it'll be right to retire. Kind of like what Ryan did." 

"Yeah I can see that, I would probably leave the same time you did and do my own thing. I thought about wedding planning, I think I would be good at that. Start up my own business. Or just event planning in general." I said. 

"I think you would do amazing at that babe." He said. "I love you and the life that we created." I said. "I love you too babe, you, me, Jasper and baby Yelich till the end." He said. "What if we have more after this one?" I asked. 

"Well, you and I will just have to keep adding to that statement then." 

kristenyelich: Thanks for an amazing honeymoon Maldives, but now it's time to get home to Jaspy and the start of baseball soon! Also shoutout to the best Instagram husband for getting this amazing picture ;)

kristenyelich: Thanks for an amazing honeymoon Maldives, but now it's time to get home to Jaspy and the start of baseball soon! Also shoutout to the best Instagram husband for getting this amazing picture ;)

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