Chapter 44 - Never thought that we'd go under

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Never thought that we'd go under

“Don’t lie, baby!” Dakota hollered.

Then she walked off. She just, walked away as if nothing had happened. As if the words that fell from her mouth were irrelevant and of no consequence. The air changed the moment the words fell from her lips, Niall changes. His breathing was heavy, he was stiff and he glared with an expression Zayn had never seen on his best friend before. For a moment Zayn just stood there, his jaw dropped as he stared at Niall in complete shock. His eyes glanced anxiously between Niall, who’s breathing had increased and Dakota’s retreating figure. Her shoulder’s shook and the sound of her sobs caught on the air as she burst through the doors and out of sight. 

That bitch! Zayn’s cheeks flared, and he found himself laughing shakily out of complete loss to do anything else. Niall turned towards him slowly, with menace and outrage in his face. 

Zayn’s breathing began to increase, his heartbeat was fast and pulse in his ears. He wanted nothing more than to run away. Or… strangle Dakota.

Niall broke the silence, “I’m going to kill you!” His voice was stern and his eyes wide, Niall’s jaw was clenched. Suddenly Zayn was reminded of the complete hatred he had for her when they first met, as if no time had passed and they were back at square one. Harry wasn’t a drug addict, Louis wasn’t broken, Niall wasn’t in love and Liam was single. But as Zayn looked at Niall, though his anger and panic felt the same he could see the heartache in Niall’s blue eyes. 

That undeniable pain coursing in the flecks of yellow and green in his sapphire eyes, she had finally broken Zayn’s best friend. And as he stood there, wondering whether to cry or run away, he realised that Dakota was right, she changed everything. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so kind to her?

Zayn stepped back, staring at the place where Dakota’s lying ass once stood.  “What the fuck?” Zayn snapped. “Niall,” he turned to face the fuming blonde, “Niall, she’s lying!”

Harry walked into the corridor yawning, he rubbed his eyes. “What’s going on?” He asked as he stretched and offered them both a wicked smile. 

“Zayn’s fucking Dakota!” Niall snarled. 

“What?” Harry straightened, suddenly wide awake as if ice cold water had been thrown on his face. He shook his head, glancing anxiously at Niall. “No, he’s not. Niall, I know her better than anyone and she’s–“

“Harry?” Niall snapped, “I would stop talking–” he tore his eyes off Zayn and raised an eyebrow. “–if I were you.”

Harry silenced. “Louis,” he called over his shoulder. When Louis didn’t reply immediately his voice became shrill, “Louis!”

“Yeah?” Louis replied, a loud yawn soon followed. 

“Come here,” Harry said, he glanced anxiously between Niall and Zayn. Though his eyes rested uncomfortably on Niall, he too was waiting for Niall to fly off the handle.  

“But I’m comfortable,” Louis groaned in reply. 

“I’m not kidding!” Harry called, he stepped toward Niall. “Come here, Louis.” Harry glanced over his shoulder and swallowed, “Lou, you need to come here,” he stepped closer to Niall. “Now.”

Niall was shaking his head, he ignored every person that walked past the corridor whispering. Many walked and lingered just beyond the boys, hoping to catch a glimpse of the infamous boy band breaking down. Security were quick to disperse the crowd, though they had legal wavers to silence the staff it didn’t stop them gaping. Niall ignored the staff, security and Harry lingering awkwardly behind him. His eyes bore into Zayn who had never felt so small, so confused. 

Modest Absolution - Book 5 (Larry Stylinson AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang