Chapter 13 - Felt like a stranger in a crowd

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The flight started smoothly, after the bumpy situation with Sasha Zayn felt unsettled, he was exhausted and could think of nothing better then sleeping. Though, sleep was far from his mind as he was still trying to wrap his head around the events of the Bachelor party, a crazy, fun, drama-filled cheating and drunk mess.

The revelation of Dakota's felony had left him with his jaw dropped and mind reeling. She was involved in a robbery, he wanted to know every detail of what led up to it but didn't dare ask. Since Dakota had shown up at the airport, she wore a scowl and the look in her eyes made him visibly flinch.

If there was one thing Zayn knew, Dakota was scary when she was mad. If the look of guilt on Niall's face told him anything, she was really, really angry. There was no one on the jet with even half of her revenge-filled genes. She was clever, she was beautiful and like a tiger she was also deadly.

There had been little talk of Jennifer reaching out to her ex boyfriend to cover Dakota's tracks. Dakota's illegal tracks.

What possibly possessed Dakota to fall down so far? He couldn't blame her, she had been to hell and back. Her life had been down some dark paths that he couldn't bring himself to think of. Drugs, abuse and a life of petty crime to keep her psychotic boyfriend at bay. Simply thinking of Blake Price sent a shiver down his spine.

Blake only brought memories of a painful time, a time that both brought the boys closer and tore them apart. They lived in fear of each other, themselves and Blake himself.

Dakota hadn't talked of losing her twin sister, he wondered if it felt like she had lost apart of herself. She never talked of Daisy, though. Perhaps it was too much to bear? He glanced over his shoulder and she was asleep, dark bruises etched across her skin like delicate lacework, down her neck and shoulder - he glanced at Niall. No.

He shook the thought away, immediately. Niall would never hurt anyone, except Porter or the boys who he often punched when he lost his temper. Though Niall was yet to admit how he really felt about Dakota, or even what had happened with her the night before Zayn knew Niall loved her.

He could only imagine how Niall was feeling, Niall had been silent since he had screamed at Sasha. He was now sitting opposite Zayn with his hood pulled over his head and a scowl on his face.

Zayn leant closer, resigning himself to sleeplessness as his mind was too wired to rest. He tapped Niall's knee, "Hey," he whispered.

"What?" Niall replied, not looking up from the iPad balanced in his lap.

"Are you okay?"

Niall let out a huff as he paused the game and gave Zayn the filthiest look he could muster, he didn't say a word.

Zayn sat back with a whistle, "Oo-kay, then."

Niall shook his head. "Don't, man."

Zayn held both his hands up, "White flag."

Dakota was awake and giggling at something the flight attendant was whispering to her. The flight attendant had his hand on her shoulder and his finger was gently brushing against her soft skin.

Niall stiffened.

Zayn immediately felt like he was trapped between the middle of some seriously bad daytime drama. He glanced between Niall and Dakota but his eyes rested on her as she threw her head back, a forced laugh that echoed through the jet.

Louis was asleep, nestled in Harry's arms and they were both reclined in the wide armchair with blankets wrapping them up in a soft cocoon. Harry was snoring softly, the lights dimmed above them and as Dakota laughed louder, neither stirred from their peaceful slumber. Zayn smiled at them, wishing he were asleep and blissfully unaware of Dakota as she went on a revenge rampage.

The flight attendant was tall, his skin was darker than Zayn's and his arms were thick, ripped with muscles as if he were carrying two bricks under his skin. Veins trailed up his forearm like snakes, his hand never leaving her skin and his eyes fixed on her beautiful face.

Niall shoved headphones in his ears as he let out a frustrated huff. Zayn didn't blame him and he noted the tears that welled in his sapphire eyes. Zayn sighed, he wished he could do something because he hated seeing the pain in Niall's face.

The attendant smirked as he lifted the hair from Dakota's face and whispered in her ear. Zayn almost forgave her for her behaviour, thinking maybe she just really liked the guy until she looked over her shoulder with a wry smile, making sure Niall could see her.

Zayn clenched his fists, furious. She's such a bitch, he wanted to launch out of his seat and slap her but he remained seated, simply too angry to move.

Jennifer and Liam had slipped to the back of the plane and tucked up in one of the double beds, Liam's snores echoed through the jet. The sun had set, Zayn glanced out the window and saw nothing but the inky black sky.

Porter had his arms folded as he curled up under a thick, charcoal grey blanket and to everyone else it looked like he was asleep. His eyes closed, face calm but he shifted at the sound of Dakota's laugh... almost flinching.

Zayn knew Porter didn't love Dakota the way he needed to but he still had feelings for her, they had been dating for months and it would no doubt sting to see her openly throwing herself at the tall, black haired host.

The host, his name was J.D had thick black hair and piercing green eyes. He whispered something else, his lips inches from her ear and she giggled again, swatting playfully at his stomach.

Niall was huffing like a dragon, face red and hands clenched so tightly on the iPad Zayn was surprised it hadn't been snapped cleanly in two.

Zayn sat forward, "You want to go?" He asked, though it was a stupid question as there wasn't really anywhere for them to go. Niall just glared beyond Zayn at the two as she stood up and he took her hand.

Dakota grimaced over her shoulder, long brown hair tousled down her back as he opened the bathroom door and turned on the light. Zayn saw past her grimace, in her eyes was sadness. He saw it every time she looked at Niall. It was a mixture of regret and longing. He saw it now as she smiled at him, baring her white teeth like fangs, it was an act of pure regret as she traipsed into the bathroom.

Zayn looked at Niall, he wanted to say something but he could find no words. The door of the bathroom slammed shut and Niall jumped, his face was burning red and his eyes brimmed with tears. He yanked the hoodie over his head, his hands shook as he began to put headphones in.

Zayn winced when he heard Dakota moan, Niall hadn't put the headphones in quick enough, the sound of her moans swam through the air and Zayn knew, without a doubt that each groan of pleasure was another knife to Niall's heart.

"Fucking bitch," Zayn hissed under his breath.

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