Chapter 7 - Last night's dream

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If you haven’t already click the youtube link in the side and watch the trailer for Modest Absolution, you won’t be sorry. You’ll probably get antsy for the hell that WILL break loose on their holiday. Thanks for everyone shipping Dakota and Niall, will be a bumpy ride full of bad choices and hectic fights. He’s hot headed and she’s a bitch, what a beautiful mess. What shall their ship name be? What do you think Jennifer and Liam will name their baby boy? Hmm. Double Update Tuesday, enjoy!

Last night’s dream

Louis stared out the window of the SUV as they drove along the freeway, Harry was asleep and his head rested on Louis’ shoulder. Their hands intertwined as Harry snored soundly, he had taken some painkillers for his very bruised face and they’d knocked him out. Louis played with Harry’s fingers as he tried to piece together the night before, it came back to him in flashes. Dancing, shouting, sex… His face flushed red and he shifted in the leather seat as the blood rushed from his aching head to his crotch.

The mere thought of Harry’s lips on his, hands on him made his body spring to life. The memories a beautiful blur that made his heart race and his crotch throb to life, he eyed Richard who drove silently and was thankful he didn’t know just how hot and heavy Louis was feeling. The things you do to me, Harry Styles.

He smiled, planting a kiss on Harry’s head, the tarmac loomed over head as the car drove around the corner and Louis saw their private jet. Butterflies came to life in his stomach, their holiday and their wedding was getting closer. Harry snored, loudly and Louis shared a quick chuckle with Richard. 

Louis couldn’t believe that after everything, with Dakota and Blake to Logan and Ava, well, they were finally saying ‘I do.’

He smirked because Porter had lied to management, saying it was a ‘music’ retreat. Management were kept so far out of the loop even they had no idea about Jennifer carrying Liam’s baby. Louis silently prayed the baby stayed in hibernation until after the wedding. He better.

Louis looked at his phone and Liam had asked if anyone had heard from Niall. Louis frowned, the last time he saw Niall was… when? Niall fought with Porter, they rolled around on the glitter covered floor like female wrestlers in Jelly. Then Niall was on the phone as they left for the strip club, somewhere between Niall and Zayn beating each other senseless at the Silver Pony Gentleman’s Club Niall disappeared. 

Louis frowned and replied to Liam, ‘He better show up today.’

His phone vibrated instantly, ‘He will, don’t worry. I’ll find him.’

“We’re here,” Richard’s gruff voice announced and Louis stomach was in knots. 

For once they were excited knots and not terrified ones, Louis squeezed Harry’s limp hand tightly. He kissed Harry’s forehead once more and whispered, “Harry, wake up!”

Harry’s head shot up and then he groaned, “Ah, bright lights!” He held his hands in front of his eyes, “My head hurts.”

Louis smirked and held up a can of beer, “Hair of the dog that bit you?”

Harry retched and covered his mouth, “No. Fucking. Way.”

Louis smiled, “The jet looks amazing.”

“Will be better when I am sleeping on it,” Harry grumbled as he undid his seatbelt and stretched out his arms. 

Porter was smoking as he leant against the passenger door of his own sleek, silver BMW. He nodded at them as Harry climbed out of the car with a moan and groan, Louis smiled his head was throbbing too but he was too excited to acknowledge his hangover. “Hey Porter,” Louis called. 

Porter smiled, “Hello gentleman.”

“How’s your head?” Harry asked as he yanked a green beanie over his thick chocolate curls and a pair of black Ray Bans. 

Porter narrowed his eyes, “Better then yours,” he chuckled. Porter sucked on the cigarette, “But, what can I say? I am an alcoholic, I can take my booze.”

Harry pointed at himself, “Hello,” he smirked, “Recovering drug addict.”

Porter nodded, “Touche.”

“I could snort you under the table,” Harry laughed but then frowned and held his aching head. 

Louis shook his head and opened his mouth, “But–“

Harry nodded, “But I wouldn’t because that’s the old me.”

Louis kissed his cheek, “Good boy.”

“I’m not a dog,” Harry grunted. 

“Yet you love doggy so much?” Louis laughed and Porter too smirked as he looked beyond them. 

Richard began laughing but stifled it quickly with a grumble as Harry frowned at him. “Just getting the bags, I hear nothing,” Richard called from the trunk of the black SUV.

Harry smiled, “You’re an idiot.”

“And you’re hungover,” Louis stated with a wiggle of his eyebrows. 

“Hate to ask,” Porter blew out a lungful of smoke and it billowed around him. He butted the cigarette out with his shoe on the concrete, “Have either of you heard from Dakota?”

Her name sent a wave of unease through Louis, he wanted to scream that she couldn’t come. That he hated her but, he couldn’t. Harry loved her and despite the deep set confusion that resided in his chest, he loved Harry and would respect Harry’s choices. Even if he wanted to tear her false eyelashes from her face, one by one. 

Harry lit a cigarette, “Nothing, man.”

Louis laughed and raised his hands, “She wouldn’t talk to me.”

Porter nodded, “You’re right.”

“Did you tell her?” Louis asked, not that it was any of his business. Not that I care.

Porter flinched, it was evident he was uncomfortable the moment Louis opened his mouth. His body went tense, he smile turned to a frown and lines formed in his forehead as his brows furrowed together. “No,” Porter said bluntly. “I haven’t.”

Harry studied Porter’s face, he put the lighter back in his pocket and sucked on the cigarette. Louis could tell Harry was deep in thought as his eyes trailed over Porter’s tired face. He studied Porter for a few more moments before he said, “If you don’t, I will.”

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