Chapter 43 - Makes me sick to even think

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Makes me sick to even think

“Niall?” Zayn said again as he lifted his sunglasses off his head and pushed them into his thick, black hair. Zayn smiled but when Niall jumped with fright he paused, hand lingering in the air. “Niall?” He said again. 

Zayn studied Niall, who looked up at him with wide eyes and his mouth open. He looked pale, like his skin was a thin layering of white tissue paper. Zayn looked up at the long beams of fluorescent lights that lined the hallway ceiling. Zayn was exhausted, he had been stuck in traffic for two hours and Dakota wouldn’t say a word. 

Her hands shook, trembling and each time her phone rang she sucked in a pained breath. As if she were frightened of whoever was on the other end. Zayn had exhausted every question he could think of, every reassuring phrase in the book but Dakota was silent. She clutched to her handbag for dear life and her eyes darted furtively over her shoulder. He wondered if it was worrying about the publicity, but decided there was no way she could be this edgy over an article. 

Zayn had two hours to toy over every possible theory, ranging from her being sick to being terrified of seeing Jennifer give birth. Dakota, lips pursed closed her eyes behind her oversized Gucci sunglasses. He shook his head at her, as if he couldn’t tell she was crying. But Zayn was a good friend so he snaked his hand into hers and held on. Her fingers quaked between his, her phone went off the hook but she never answered nor looked at the screen. 

She knew who was calling, who she was running from. Even if Zayn didn’t know, he tried to find out. Dakota wouldn’t budge. 

Zayn blinked, shifting on his tired legs as he returned to the present and touched Niall’s shoulder. “Hey,” he said softly, “you okay?”

Niall nodded, smiling with relief, “You’re finally here…” He trailed off, his eyes leaving Zayn’s face and over his shoulder. 

Zayn flinched, he didn’t need to turn around. He knew who was standing there, she was as desperate for Niall’s touch as Niall. But she was in denial, bitter denial as she walked with her head down and her phone in her hand. She was madly typing when Zayn looked over, following Niall’s gaze. 

Niall caught his breath, his grip on Zayn’s shoulder tightening. “Dakota,” he whispered to no one in particular. 

Dakota slowed down, her face flushing red when she met Niall’s eyes and she opened her mouth to speak as she got closer. Then her eyes flickered to the crowd beyond Niall, management and staff. She stopped dead in her tracks. 

Zayn stepped toward her, it looked as if she were about to pass out. “Dakota?” He said. “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head, taking three steps back and her eyes never left the group ahead. Zayn looked over, he studied the faces of each person but recognised none. A few men were looking at her, men were always looking at her. Though, none of them seemed to look at her that would warrant such a blatantly terrified reaction. What the hell?

Niall stepped forward, fumbling over his words. “Dakota I need to–“

She shook her head, “No. Niall, not now.”

“Dakota please, you don’t have to say anything. You just have to listen…”

She never looked at him, she never tore her eyes from the group as she shrugged Zayn away. She turned on her heels and began back down the corridor, walking swiftly. 

“Dakota!” Niall and Zayn called in unison. 

Zayn turned to Niall, “What the hell did–“

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