Chapter 35 - It's a long way down

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It's a long way down

“This is your captain speaking,” a voice deep and raspy echoed through the jet. “We will be landing at Heathrow Airport in roughly twenty minutes. Thank you for flying with us tonight,” he cleared his throat. “And boys,” he continued. “I am very sorry for your loss, Porter Vance was a wonderful man and a great friend.”

Niall blinked, opening his eyes and they felt sticky from all the tears. He rubbed at his eyes and when he noted no one was looking at him he let out a long sigh of relief. At least no one noticed he was crying in his sleep, Niall glanced at the empty seat next to him. A mussed up blanket and pillow on the seat, Zayn’s iPad sitting and illuminated but no Zayn.

Niall yawned and stretched, glancing at his watch it was three thirty in the morning, he rubbed his tired eyes. Niall stiffened when Porter’s empty seat caught his attention. It struck him with immense sadness, an overwhelming emptiness. His heart was rattled Porter was really gone.

Niall couldn’t believe he had seen so much sorrow and death in such a short period of time. He thought of Logan, of the blonde with the smile that could light up Times Square and the laugh that would set hearts on fire. The flame in his eyes, the fire in his belly and the unstoppable love he felt for Harry. Niall bit his bottom lip, he was finally able to think of Logan without breaking into a heap.

He would never forget Logan; forget his friend or seeing him so lifeless on the steel table of the Morgue. But he was able to look back with a warm heart, instead of relentless waves of tears.

Now however, Porter was the loss that filled his chest. The lump in his throat when he saw Liam with tears staining his pillow and silent sobs as he sat up. Niall knew the feeling. That brief moment in time where everything is right and nothing hurts. He watched as Liam, too, glanced at the empty chair and remembered Porter. Remembered he was gone, dead.

Liam sobbed; Jennifer sat up and pulled him close. He could see her fingers digging hungrily into his t-shirt as she tried to pull him closer. Niall noted that lovers often held each other like they wanted to just melt together. Like I would have held Dakota.

She wasn’t in her seat and the bedroom door at the far end of the plane was shut. Niall recalled hearing her hysterical sobs as the door opened just enough for the attendant to slip in with drinks and tissues. The sound broke his heart, and then he remembered every word she said.

When Dakota broke his heart every word that slipped form her beautiful lips were like a tattoo on his soul. Etching him forever.

Louis was right, Niall hated that Louis was right all along. He fought for her, defended her and for what? He bruised his knuckles hitting Porter in a desperate attempt to seek revenge and absolution for the girl he loved. Too little, too late Niall.

He groaned as he picked up Zayn’s iPad and connected to the jet’s Wi-Fi. Then his heart stopped as the news article on the home page loaded.

The heading made him sick to his stomach; he looked for Harry who was snoring soundly in Louis’ arms. Niall’s hands were shaking so badly he could hardly open the article; he closed his eyes and pressed.

It loaded, slowly and his name was in big bold letters next to Daisy Fox. A hand raised to his mouth, “no.”

One Direction’s Niall Horan finds comfort in the arms of the enemy. Is Daisy Fox a victim or a gold digger?

“J-jennifer,” he spluttered.

“Wait, Niall,” she whispered as she rocked Liam gently in her arms and he rested his head on her swollen stomach.

Daisy Fox is twin sister to the infamous Dakota Fox, a fashion icon and missed socialite who was taken too early for her time. Dakota died eight months ago when she threw herself to her death from the roof of London’s illustrious, Gala Hotel.

Niall wanted to look away, he knew he should but he didn’t. He couldn’t tear his eyes from the words that slapped him alert and made him sick to his stomach.

Dakota Fox is best known by the world for her stint, as Harry Styles’ girlfriend earlier this year, thought not all his fans loved her. There was much discussion on whether she was the reason for their downfall. A drug addict, girlfriend to an abusive dealer and drummer Blake Price. Dakota was flighty, nasty and secretive but she was also a fashion icon. A girl who quickly found her name sprawled across every tabloid around the globe. Dakota was speculated to be a cover for Harry’s real relationship, a taboo love affair with fellow band member Louis Tomlinson.

“Shit,” Niall swore under his breath, eyes flicking to Louis and Harry still sleeping soundly.

An inside source stated that ‘Dakota was hated by everyone, she was nasty and manipulative.’ She is also rumoured to be the reason Harry started drugs; the reason Louis Tomlinson suffered a breakdown (which, though management deny, led to a suicide attempt earlier this year).

Was One Direction in league with Satan’s mistress? Dakota Fox’s death was a shock to the celebrity world and many have mourned her. Her sister, much to the fan’s disgust has now taken place of Dakota. She is spotted with the boys, at the studio and getting close with Porter Vance, PR Manager for One Direction. The question is what does Daisy Fox want?

Many fans speculated it was for monetary gain; she has climbed the social ladder and is one of fashions hottest ‘it’ girls this year. Though, in a surprising turn of events Niall Horan has been the next in line to bed the ghostly twin.

Photos leaked earlier this morning of the two in a raunchy embrace, Daisy Fox is seen in lingerie and stilettos. Niall is shirtless in only his red underwear, though his back is to the camera sources indicate he took the photos to get revenge.

“No,” Niall stood up, he nearly dropped the iPad.

Niall is known to be a womanizer; perhaps he simply wanted to add another notch to his bedpost. Niall Horan better know what he is in for, sources say Daisy is in it for the money. She blames the boys for her sister’s death and Niall was simply a pawn in her deviant game.

Will Niall’s raunchy rendezvous implicate the band? Surely he doesn’t love someone like her, how could he? After all she’s the reason they have fallen so far from grace… well, at least her sister is. And you know what they say; the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Niall walked, speechless and breathless towards Jennifer. She swatted him away; he shoved the iPad in her face. “You need to see this,” he whispered. Niall turned his attention to Harry and Louis, “Harry,” Niall said loudly, “Harry wake up.”

Harry groaned, “what?” He sat up rubbing his eyes and blinking, “Niall do you know what time it–“

“TMZ, E! News, Blind Gossip… take your pick and read the headlines,” Niall’s face was ghostly pale and his knee’s shook beneath him.


Louis held up his iPad and then swore, “Fuck, Niall are you–“

Niall pushed past them and with shaking hands locked the bathroom door. Oh God, how could this happen how could I let this happen? This isn’t what I want for her, for me! He was gasping for breath, Liam was rapping on the bathroom door but Niall didn’t reply.

Sick to his stomach, his body ice cold he opened the toilet and began to throw up. If Niall thought he was in hell when Porter died, when Dakota broke him in two… he had another thing coming.

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