I stuffed the fruity pebbles  in my mouth. I didn't want to be late for work. I didn't go to the office yesterday cause of my blind date and I knew today was gonna be stressful.

  "Can you do some grocery shopping later today?  We ran out of food"Liza asked me. She was getting ready to go to her cafe.

   "Of course, all I need is your Credit card "I said.

Liza smiled and handed over her card. "Buy only things we need"She warned.

I giggled. Liza knew I had a bad habit of buying unnecessary things.

"Whatever, my parents are the worst" I suddenly said once yesterday incident hit me like a storm.

Liza sat next to me. " Babe, cheer up, You're Lucky they love you, they are just in a desperate situation"she said.

I scoffed. "Love?"

"I wish I had parents like yours" she muttered.

I felt bad for bringing up the issue. Liza hardly spoke to her dad. Her mum,  was Liza's father's mistress.  She had two children for him before his wife found out.

   Liza and her sister, Sam, had to grow up without a father's love. Although he sent money,  they never really bonded.

  I squeezed Liza's hand "I'm sorry"I said.

"Don't be"she stood up"All I'm saying is that,  don't think much about this, concentrate on your work and your.... Oh wait! How was your date? "She squealed. She plopped down on the chair as she grinned from ear to ear, waiting for me to spill the beans.

My cheeks flashed red"It was Okay"

"Yeah right, it was  O-K-A-Y, You do realize you're red like a tomato?  " she teased.

I stood up quickly. "I don't want to be late, bye mum"I said and hurried out with my stuff.
When I got to the office, everyone was so busy. I called my secretary and friend,  Claire to my office.

"Everyone is so busy, did I miss out on anything yesterday? "I asked her once she came in.

She looked so happy. "Well, we hit the jackpot yesterday "

"Spill it"I urged her.

"A very big firm hired us to decorate their new store, midtown"she beamed.

I couldn't believe it"How? When? Are you sure it's not a scam?"I garbled.

"Of course not, I was so surprised too. But we worked for one of their workers, she loved the work and so she recommended us"

"That's great. So when are we meeting them? "

"I already set up a meeting with their PR department and it's scheduled for tomorrow at their headquarters. I tried calling you yesterday but It just went to voicemail"She reported.

"What's the name of the firm? "I asked.

"I thought you would never ask, it's JC enterprise, I was so dumbfounded, It's JC"She belted.

I felt the fireworks go off in my head.

JC enterprise, the same JC enterprise that Greg works for?  The one Liza is always ranting about? This is insane.

When I got home later in the evening I was on cloud nine. I placed the groceries in the kitchen. I quickly freshened up and searched for several magazines  of beautiful store designs. I wanted everything to be perfect.

"What's up girl? You look elated"Liza asked once she got home. She looked so tired. She slumped on the couch and threw her shoes off.

"You won't believe what happened today"I chimed. I was sitting on the floor going through the magazines.

Liza sat up. "What happened? "She asked excitedly.

"I got a deal with JC enterprise and I have a meeting there tomorrow "I exclaimed.

Liza screamed like a teenage girl who just met her celebrity crush. She plopped down beside me.

"Oh my God, you're gonna meet the attractive John Carter "she said dreamily.

I just rolled my eyes. "Of course I'm not meeting him, do you really think the CEO of such a big firm would have the time to meet up with me for such a trivial matter? "I asked her as if it was the most obvious thing on earth.

"It doesn't matter. I'm so happy for you. Doesn't Greg work there?"

"Yes he does"

"Why don't you guys meet up after your meeting? "

"That's Insane, He's such a busy person and didn't we just go out yesterday? "I turned to the magazine  and continued flipping the pages hoping to find some inspiration.

"So?  Don't be foolish girl, if you're too slow, someone else is gonna snatch him from you"

"He's not mine to begin with "

"Then make him yours "she said.

My phone rang. I checked the caller I'd. It was Greg.

"You see, fate is urging you to go for it"she said with a wink and went to her room to freshen up.

I stared at my phone. I finally answered.

"Hello? "

This is it.

So what do you think of Diane's parents?

Hi there,
     Thanks for giving this story a chance. I'll try to finish it as soon as possible. Because I hate incomplete or slowly updated books.


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