"It's hurting again, isn't it?" Hermione interrogated, causing Eve to look up quickly to see what she was talking about.

When she realised the attention was on Harry, she signed in realisation and concern. "Your scar. Why didn't you tell me?" She quizzed slightly offended that her best friend hadn't told her that he was in pain.

"I'm fine, Eve." Harry assured, his intention was to brush off the subject of the night of the attack. They all had difficulty getting over the events on the night of the World Cup. Continuing to talk about it meant longer to forget what they went through.

"You know Dad will want to hear about this; what you saw at the World Cup and the dream," Eve warned as she placed a hand on Harry's arm. "You should send a letter to him now, he's still hiding from the ministry. When we get to Hogwarts it's going to be harder to send mail to him as often."

Harry followed his friend's advice and wrote a letter to Sirius, explaining exactly what had happened. They were just passing the Black Lake when Harry sent Hedwig off to deliver the letter to his godfather.

He knew Eve was right, Sirius was remaining in hiding. It had been difficult to keep in touch with Sirius for the summer, and even more difficult for Evelyn to see her father.

They would need to be strategical on when and how they contacted Sirius. Even if it meant minimal contact, it would be better than seeing the family member they loved being caught.


Harry laughed as he watched Evelyn's expression, as she approached the Gryffindor table to join the trio at the empty space next to him.

The girl had been late to the sorting ceremony due to Filch taking extra examination of Eve's luggage, looking for "evidence of Sirius Black's location".

Thankfully and unexpectedly, Professor Snape had came to the girl's rescue and pointed out to Filch that even if Eve had been with her father then she would be more intelligent to hide it - therefore making his efforts useless.

Evelyn had thanked Professor Snape before rushing to her dorm to put her luggage next to her bed, before once again running to the Great Hall, preying that McGonogall wouldn't have her head.

"Does someone want to explain to me why their is a massive ship outside my window?" Eve rushed as she caught her breath.

"Looks like we're about to find out," Hermione answered as the group watched Dumbledore approach his podium perch.

Seeing Dumbledore and several other familiar faces made Evelyn realise how much she had missed Hogwarts. It was most certainly somewhere she would consider home. She couldn't wait to spend time with her friends again. Including Cedric and Draco.

"Well, now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement," Dumbledore began. "This castle will not only be
your home this year...but home to some very special guests as well.
You see, Hogwarts has been chosen-"

During Dumbledore's speech the man that had caused Eve to be late suddenly entered the room. The students all gave confused reactions to Filch's bizarre run as he rushed towards the headmaster.

The men exchanged whispers before Filch started towards the exit once again. Evelyn giggled quietly as she heard Fred make a comparison of the man's run to a person wearing flippers.

"So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event - The Triwizard Tournament."

Excited mutters escaped throughout the hall, most having never heard of such event.

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