Chapter Two

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C h a p t e r T w o
T e r r o r
A n d
S c r e a m s

Laughter of excitement left the children as they were mesmerised by the sights of the Quidditch World Cup around them

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Laughter of excitement left the children as they were mesmerised by the sights of the Quidditch World Cup around them.

Eve kept her hand in Cedric's as the group made their way through the mass of people, Amos and Arthur were upfront in search of the tents that would house the group. When they reached a certain spot both men shook hands. "Parting of the ways, I think, old chap!" Amos said and Arthur nodded in agreement.

"See you at the match," he replied and then shook Cedric's free hand. Eve and Cedric shared a hug before the boy followed after his father to a different tent. Evelyn followed her papa who guided the rest of the group to a very small tent that on the outside didn't appear that it would be able to house them all.

"Home sweet home," Arthur announced opening the flap.

The twins shrugged before entering, followed by Ginny and Hermione then Ron. Arthur smiled at his daughter who raised an eyebrow at him before he disappeared inside. The brunette stepped forward and pulled back the flap to look inside, she went to enter only to see Harry still stood behind her with a confused expression.

"You coming or not?" She smirked before entering and leaving the dark haired boy.

When she entered she took a second to examine the inside of the tent which had transformed into the perfect home for the eight wizards and witches. There were separates rooms for the girls and boys, a living area and a kitchen. Everything they needed was here.

Evelyn ran to the girl's room to see Hermione and Ginny messing around, hitting each other with pillows. The brunette dropped her bag and was quick to join in the fun. The three continued to giggle until Mr. Weasley called to the girls.

"Girls, choose a bunk and unpack," he ordered. Eve hit Hermione in the face one last time causing the girl to squeal with laughter before she followed her papa to see what the others were up to. "Ron, get out of the kitchen! We're all hungry."

Eve laughed as her brother shuffled out of the kitchen unhappily. "Yeah, get out of the kitchen, Ron!" The twins yelled in sync from their places at the table where they were currently lounging with their feet on the desk.

"Feet off the table!" Arthur demanded loudly as he walked past his sons.

"Feet off the table!" Fred and George repeated causing their younger sister to smirk as she watched the boys remove their feet until Arthur was out of sight where they quickly put their feet back in place.

"l love magic," Harry muttered aloud, an excited smile spread upon his face.

His best friend turned to look at him as she plopped down on one of the plush couches letting out a sigh as she took in the comfort of the pillows.

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