After Grayson pulls into the lot, you release all thoughts from your head and stare blankly at the brick building ahead of you.

"Do want me to come in with you?" Grayson asks.

You shake your head, only wanting to head right to sleep as soon as you get in. "I'll be alright."

Grayson sighs and stays silent. You then leave the car and head into your quiet dorm, feeling happy that you were finally home. But also sad that you were seemingly alone.

Maddie's car was missing from her usual spot, so you assumed she was in classes. She'll be home later.

You locked the door behind you and slowly headed to your bedroom, small steps were the easiest because there was less body pain.

The accident really fucked you up. There were a few broken bones and gashes throughout your body. And each one throbbed with severe pain. That's why the doctor prescribed pain medication for you.

If only they worked for emotional pain.

All the feelings and pain you had within the last few days was just rushing around your mind, until it all fell silent.

It seemed like anything that brought you joy had been destructed. Or was currently not in reach.

Like your parents, on vacation far away.

Your best friend, in class a few miles away.

And Ethan... how many states, miles, lightyears it seemed, away from you.

Adjusting your body for a sleeping position, your arm goes underneath your pillow, raising it to a comfortable level for your neck- until your arm touches something. Paper?

You slowly pull it out from underneath the clothed plush pillow and you stare at the envelope, labeled:

Miss Y/n Y/l/n

It was Ethan's sloppy cursive. Lightly written out on a blinding white envelope, with something inside. It didn't feel like a regular card.

Who would even make cards for the occasion of leaving without a trace?

Hallmark hasn't gotten that far yet.

Hesitantly, you open the letter and stare blankly at the piece of notebook paper that was folded neatly to accomodate the size of the envelope.

The black pen ink had bled through to the back, only increasing the gnawing curiosity of what it says.

Open it. Your mind tells you.

Don't. Your heart conflicts.

Nonetheless, you open it.

My Beautiful Y/n,

By now Grayson has probably gloated about the fact that i am no longer in the picture. Your picture. I am aware of how pissed and angry you must be at me, but please hear me out.
I went to the hospital to tell you that you shouldn't be with Grayson, because he is all wrong for you. In hindsight, i knew it was false. He has treated you better than i could have. And what i'm about to tell you isn't because i want you all to myself, it's because i love you and i want you to make the right choice.
Grayson and Maddie have something going on, and i need you to know that. Before it keeps happening and you find out way down the road after you two have fallen deeply in love. That was what i was supposed to tell you before he barged in with your mom.
Baby, i want you to have everything you've ever wanted. So please, please, please, make the right decision. Go find someone who will cherish you and love you. Only you.
I fucked up too many times, and i think you deserve someone so much better than me.
You're probably worrying your pretty little head trying to figure out where i am, so i'll tell you.
I moved back to New Jersey. I grew up here, and it is quite beautiful. Something about staying there made me feel weird. Maybe it was because i knew i'd have to sit back and watch you love someone else. Whether it was Grayson or another man.
I just need you to know that i did not do this to hurt you. Nor Grayson. I did this to help you. To distance myself from you and keep my toxicity away from your beautiful mind, and loving heart.
Please never change. Always keep my in your heart.
I love you, babygirl.

Always and forever,


Ethan's POV

"Mr. Dolan?"

I whip my head up from my resumé in my hands, smiling quaintly at the nice young lady standing at the door.

"Mrs. Saunders is ready to see you" she announces.

I stand to my feet and thank her, grabbing my suitcase and my suit jacket.

"Last door on the left" she smiles, showing her white teeth. They contrasted her tanned skin and dark brown hair. Light brown eyes and slightly rosy cheeks.

"Thank you, again" i reply and walk down the small hall of the office to the Head Dean's personal office at Rutger's University.

"Nice to meet you, sir. Have a seat."

I oblige and sit in the seat across from her at her large desk. Her red hair is pulled back in a low bun, pale skin. She is older, possibly in her fifties. She has shockingly bright green eyes with thick-rimmed glasses to keep them focused.

"Please, tell me about your last job. Where it was, what you taught, what your relationship with your students was like-"

I don't think she wants to know the real answer to the last one.

"I really love teaching. I taught English at UCLA..."


Ethan begins to talk about his job, before he had started things with you. He strategically picked parts that excluded you, wanting to rid himself of his life in California completely.

Ethans finds himself landing the job and getting his life back on track.

While you and Maddie remain friends, it was harder to stay connected with Grayson. He and Maddie started to date two weeks after you told them what Ethan had wrote to you.

He then dumped her a month later for someone else on campus.

And to this day, you can't seem to stop thinking about the one man who put your heart through the ringer and back again, all while keeping it warm and safe in his embrace.

Mr. Ethan Dolan.

Word Count - 1620

Okay, soooooo....... This is the end of 'Teach Me.'


I have some new stuff in the works & i think you're gonna like it.

Since i have finished this one, i will be updating Neurosis regularly and keeping up with your comments, questions, dm's, etc.

I hope you liked this as much as i did writing it! Have an amazing day/night/morning/evening/afternoon.

And remember, i love you. x

Teach Me || Ethan Dolan (MATURE 18+)Where stories live. Discover now