Chapter 52 - All Over Again

Start from the beginning

Lily finally turns back to me, a genuine smile now present on her face. However, I’m not sure whether I’m the cause of that or not.

“Shall we go?” she asks.

I nod. “Yeah.” I take a step back, allowing her to enter the hallway.

“See you later, Ed,” she says.

“See ya.” He stands by the door. I give him a smile and a nod and he returns it with his own. Lily and I head down the hallway and I hear the door close a second later.

We walk in silence and even when I press the button for the elevator, silence still surrounds us. Why is this so awkward?

Cause I made it awkward. I should’ve just been how I usually am when I’m with her. Happy and excited.

But I’m an idiot and I tried to seem cool.

The elevator opens and we step inside. I rack through my brain to come up with anything to strike up conversation. I need to save the rest of my day with her before it even starts.

“So, what are we going to do?” she asks, saving me from the burden of thinking of what to say.

I look down at her and find comfort in her smile. I miss her smile. I miss being able to look at it any time I wanted to, allowing it to relax me instantly. I remember when I would meet up with her after a long day at the studio and she would greet me with her smile and all of my stress and anxiety would immediately disappear.

Her smile is my comfort blanket. I see it and I feel like I’m safe from anything and everything.

“Harry?” she giggles.

I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment, realizing that I was just staring at her, at her smile. I’m saved by the bell when the elevator opens. We step outside and head to the front door. Thankfully, there are no paparazzi outside.

“Is there anything you wanted to do? I was thinking we could just hang out at our--I mean, my spot,” I stutter.

Lily doesn’t seem phased by my slip-up as we head to my car.

“That sounds lovely. We can get some food so we can eat there. I’d love to watch the sunset there.”

“Yeah, that would be perfect.”

It really would be. What could be more perfect? Spending the rest of the day with her, just her, in our spot. The spot that we’ve shared many moments with together. Watching the sunset with her beside me and then hopefully staying long enough afterwards until the darkness looms over us with the stars and the moon shining brightly in the sky.

We pick up McDonald’s along the way and I drive slightly faster to our spot, anxious to get there. Lily holds the food while I grab the blanket from the trunk and lay it down a few feet behind the ledge. I grab the food from Lily and place it on the blanket as I sit down. I hold my hand out for her to help her sit down.

“Did you want to eat now?” I ask her.

She shakes her head. “No, I'm still full from lunch. You can eat if you’re hungry.”

“It’s alright. I’m still full as well.” I place the food by the end of the blanket, putting it out of the way.


Lily’s POV

“You wouldn’t happen to have your guitar in your car, would you? I could play you the song that I told you about on the phone.”

His shoulders slightly slump. “Unfortunately, I don’t. I would’ve if I had known that you would be so willing to play it for me.”

I laugh. “I promised you I would the next time I saw you, didn’t I?”

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