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Author's note: I didn't plan to publish this yet, I do it for one of my biggest fans, you know who you are. This story will be updated every Wednesday. Thanks. 

She glanced at her hand, and she could see that it was becoming invisible, she could see the desk through her left hand.

"Oh, no! Not now!" she thought to herself.

A very important test was about to start, and she couldn't afford to miss it, not again. The last few tests she was unable to do since she had turned completely invisible at the time. She would be in a lot of trouble If the unwanted bouts of invisibility kept happening.

In the last few weeks, she had missed so many important school and family events that she lost count of how many times she had involuntarily turned invisible.

Just before the test, she tried to tell her best friend about all the strange things that started happening to her, but she didn't get the chance. Her friend kept talking about HER problems and life without even registering the other girl's presence.

Nevertheless, she kept trying to participate in the conversation although it seemed as if it wasn't really necessary. Her friend just kept on talking without making any pause for the other girl to say anything. That made her feel like she didn't matter.

She thought that even if she was gone no one would even notice or care.

Overwhelmed by that feeling, she entered the biology class and that is when she noticed that she started turning invisible, again. Not knowing what to do she ran out of class, once again.

The invisibility was destroying her life, not that it was perfect to start with.  

Problems of an Invisible GirlWhere stories live. Discover now