Chapter 14

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Alex walked into class, head held high. She tried to breathe in and out deeply, summoning the courage to talk to Jared.

As she took her seat beside him, she was at a loss for words.

She gave him a quick "hi" when he greeted her, and her heart raced as though she had just ended a marathon.

Biting the inside of her cheek, she turned to him.

"Jared?" she asked hesitantly, as he played with his phone, messaging someone.

"Yes?" He looked up at her.

"Have you been the one messaging this whole time?" she asked, carefully gauging his expressions.

His eyes widened and he bit his lip, before shaking his head. "No, uh... definitely not. What... What do you mean?"

Alex shook her head. "Nothing. I was just joking," she said, trying to play it off as a random statement but his reactions were enough to confirm it.

It was truly Jared who had been messaging her.

Alex had to be careful about it. She couldn't be with Zach while falling for Jared. It was not right and it honestly didn't sit well with her morals. She definitely couldn't lead two people at one time. She would feel too guilty to even do anything about.

That was it, then. She had to break up with Zach.

Nodding to herself, she carried on with the rest of her classes, hardly paying attention when nerdy Ella talked back to the English teacher and was sent to detention. She was just too focused to get through with the day and meet Zach at the end of it.

"Hey, beautiful," Zach greeted her as she walked towards his car.

"Hey," Alex mumbled, a blush coating her cheeks as usual whenever she heard him said that.

"You alright? You don't look very well," he asked, concern in his eyes.

"I'm fine. I just... I have something to tell you," Alex said, a heavy feeling in her chest as she tried to form the words to break the news to him.

"For the past few months, I have been messaging someone. Every single day. No matter how busy I was, I always made time for him, because, well, I was falling for him," she admitted, wincing when she saw Zach clench his fist.

"Were you doing this while we were together?" he asked, rage glinting in his eyes.

Alex nodded shamefully.

"Yes," she whispered, before her voice got louder, "but the thing is, he told me his middle name is Asher. So, I thought it was you. I promise this is the only reason why I said yes when you asked me to be your girlfriend."

Not able to take his accusing gaze, she continued, clasping one of his hand tightly between hers, "Zach, you have to believe me. I would never lead you on if I knew it wasn't you. You know me, don't you? Do you think I will do such a thing?"

Zach tapped his right foot on the ground, a sign Alex had come to know that meant he was losing his temper quickly.

"Who is he?" he demanded.

Alex bit her lip. She didn't want Jared to be put in a tight spot. She knew if Zach found out, he would fight with him and as much as she liked Jared, she knew for sure that Zach will win the fight. She didn't want that to happen. She didn't think she could bear to see two people who were so close to her heart fighting over her.

"Zach, I can't tell you," Alex said, trying to make him understand.

"Why not?" he yelled and Alex winced.

"You will hurt him, Zach. I can't let you do that," she answered, her lips trembling in fear of Zach.

"So, you don't mind breaking up with me but to save him, you will hide his identity from me? Wow, I didn't expect this, Alex! It's Jared, isn't it? The guy you were talking about earlier? He will pay for this," Zach sneered, as he pulled his hand out of her grip.

Shaking his head, he gave her a look of disgust as he slid into his car and drove out of school, leaving her in the dust.

A tear escaped her eyes but she wiped it away. It was no use crying over spilt milk. Her life, it was truly messed up. The person she liked hardly talked to her and her boyfriend was going to make sure he would never talk to her for the rest of her life.

Alex looked around to see a number of students watching the scene from afar, staring at her strangely. Wrapping her hands around herself, she adjusted her backpack and strode out of school, facing the ground as she avoided eye contact with everyone else.

This felt just like the day she came back from surgery, when she found out about her boyfriend Adrian cheating on her, with her best friend Aria.

The same immense feelings of sadness, fear and anger controlled her once more. In fact, it overwhelmed her to the point that she didn't realise someone else had joined her on the sidewalks.

Alex let out a yelp when she felt a hand on her shoulder, before she whirled around and let out a relieved sigh at the sight in front of her.

"Jared? What are you doing here?"

Hey!!! How are you all? Sorry I was slightly late on this update but I was updating my new story The Imperfect Mates so that took up quite a bit of my time. Hehe...

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