Author's note🍦

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I have no idea why I even decided to pursue this story but I am glad I did. Just a heads up, it can be dark but that's only around the end of the book, so if you can't take that kind of stuff, then I suggest you don't read this book.

It is not completely scary and serious and all of that. There is humor and happiness too, but I just felt like I needed to give you all a warning.

This is unlike any story I have done before (I have not done many, to be honest), and I hope I don't lose interest in it and that I actually do complete it.

By the way, don't promote your stories on my book but if you really want to, pm me and I will promote it for you...  Just don't do it without consulting me first.

This book is mine. I own all the rights to it and no one is allowed to copy it. The ideas are mine, the title is mine and the writing is mine so I suggest that no one decides to make it theirs because I'll find you and you won't be happy when I do.

Now that all of this lovely stuff is clear, let's get on with the book..

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