Chapter 9 🍔

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By the time the bell rang, Alex had laughed more than she ever had in months. Zach was extremely funny and he didn't fail to make her feel better about herself. Alex wasn't feeling horrible for bringing Zach to the outdoor 'canteen' anymore.

In fact, she felt selfishly happy. After all, they would not have been able to talk as much as they did if they had been sitting in the canteen, on the table where Alex's recently-turned 'enemies' sat.

"Okay, alright. This is the last one," Zach said, panting as he shook with laughter. "A man brings home a boy who had been crying the entire way from school. He gets tired of the tears and asks his wife exactly why their son is crying so much. The wife says with an annoyed scowl, 'He has been trying to tell you that he is not our Frankie.'"

"What? He didn't even know that the boy was not his son? That's crazy!" Alex said, scrunching her eyebrows together as she laughed loudly. A few students near them gave her a weird look before whispering away to their friends.

The bell rang and Alex and Zach cleaned up all their mess before going back to the canteen.

"Zachary Asher Hills! Come here immediately!" A loud voice said, startling everyone in the canteen. Zach shot Alex a apologetic look before rushing to the male teacher who seemed like he was about to burst in fury.

"How dare you glue Ms. Amelia to her chair?? Do you have any idea how much trouble you are in?" his loud voice boomed around the canteen as he walked out, Zach (who was sporting a smug grin) in tow.

Alex dumped her tray in the trashcan before hurrying to her next class. She didn't want to get late to it because she knew that her teacher was quite strict with tardiness and did not hesitate to give late students detention. Alex knew that she definitely did not want to have detention on her first day of school.

As she rushed through the school corridors, her head ducked and her arms full of books, Alex accidentally crashed into someone.

A loud 'oomph' sound was heard from the both of them and the books in Alex's hand came tumbling to the floor.

"Sorry," the person who crashed into Alex said, making her look up.

Her eyes widened and she smiled as she recognised who it was. "It's fine. You were the one who saved me in the morning, right? Thank you for that," she said, making him smile back.

"No prob. I'm Jared. Jared Asher Finn," he introduced.

"And I'm Alex. Alex dream. Nice to meet you," Alex said, before she started bending down to pick up all the books that were lying on the floor.

Once she was done, she waved to Jared. "It was nice meeting you but I've got to rush. See you later!"

He waved back before the both of them went their own ways. Jared smiled. He couldn't believe that he actually talked to Alex Drean. The Alex Drean who was once the type of girl that was forbidden to loners like him.

She was so nice and not once did she talk to him badly, like as though he was the scum under her shoe. Jared couldn't help but grin at the thought that maybe, he had a chance at winning her heart. But first, he needed to get her away from Zach without Zach finding out that it was him.

Throughout his entire class, Jared kept thinking of ways that he could make Alex and Zach get further from each other. Hundreds of plans flooded his head and he hardly realised that by the time it came to the next class, he was still in his previous class, sitting on his seat.

His eyes widened and he rushed out of the class, running to his Biology class. Strands of his traitorous brown hair fell on his face making him swipe them back in irritation.

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